[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Vkv7TqX.png[/img][/center] [color=orange]"You know, having the tools at hand for the tasks you need to complete is never a bad thing.[/color] Trey outstretched his right arm above the spot he was working earlier. [color=orange]"Right-hand. Magnetize. 3 percent."[/color] Command was simple, only needing a short voice command. The metal pieces Trey had carved out earlier rose up through the air to attach themselves to Trey's right hand. [color=orange]"Well, to answer your question, this is one of them. Magnetized hand. Fairly useful for keeping metallic objects sticking to your hand. Not that my hands ever get sweaty or anything but... extra traction always helps. Plus... very useful for cleanups like this.[/color] Trey deactivated his magnetic field and rolled the shaved metal pieces around in his palm, contemplating where to toss them away. Old man would probably yell at him again if he tossed it out in an odd place. He probably could just throw it into the grass outside where no one should care. [color=orange]"Anyways... yeah that sounds good to me. Do your shopping, I can wait."[/color]