Plop plop plop! Evvie’s feet splashed through the flowing water as she was making her way towards the action. She had been far enough away to have only been caught in the outskirts of the downpour, allowing her to recover not too long after the others despite her unsightly tumble. She managed to restrain her muttering well enough to get her focus back on the situation at hand and reanalyze things. This lead her eyes towards the man in blue as he mysteriously dove down into a hole. What was he up to? He better not by trying to run away! Her question was soon answered when he popped back up while holding an electrified cable. She looked between him, the water, and her feet back and forth as the realization slowly dawned on her. She’d been electrified her fair share of times and most certainly wasn’t in the mood to have it happen to her again. Her wings were tired but had enough juice in them to allow her to flap up into the air a couple of feet. She hoped that the electricity would pass before they tired out and she’d fall back down again.