Nadia had arrived just in time. From all the excitement, she guessed that the band was going to play. She had heard a few of their songs, just enough that she could pretend she had an actual reason to be there. She had no idea why she had to come, other than the fact that their rival gang would be there. Nadia didn't want to stand surrounded by human bodies while being deafened by music, but it was good cover. That was if she didn't assume that the gangs were expecting each other. Nadia was hungry. She looked around as she pressed herself against a nearby wall. She didn't want to get snuck up on by her rivals, and a wall was her best bet. None of these people looked appetizing. They were sweaty, loud, and drunk. Usually a perfect combination, but today she wasn't in the mood for that. She wanted quiet. Nadia sighed, putting her full weight on the wall. Like she would get quiet in this place.