Shuffling into the theater, Tasar began to stand at his full height, almost six feet tall. Yet his white hair that peaked from his hood was barely seen in the crowds, they were too focused on the band. The air was thick with sweat, drugs and tension. He could feel it, he could taste the iron on his tounge as he felt the wave of hunters. "Now where would you be?" Peaking from above his shades, the glow from his eyes flooded with the light show on stage. Tasar couldn't help but smirk when he locked his gaze on a duskdawn. Giving a nod in his direction as he moved through the crowd. He was obvious too much of a by the books, no fun at all as the guy seemed to have a pole up his ass. "Now if I was a hunter, I wouldn't want to be in the center...Hm.." he was curious now, he came for the music but he always did enjoy a good puzzle. "No, too crowded, no escape if something went wrong. But he wants to make z splash so too high up is useless..." Standing in the crowd, hand on his chin in thought as the music wafted over his senses, the vibrations shaking his very core. Tasar seemed to relax, shoulders slumping as he clicked his tounge. "If I had to guess I'd say someone on z stage would be a safe bet."