[@Drunken Conquistador][@Laduguer][@Amaranth][@DeadDrop][@Hank][@Cash78] [b]CEASE.[/b] And just like that the place was silent once more, no more explosions, no more risk of being taken off ones feet by a burning bolt of laser, and only the murmurings of the living and the groans of the near-dead able to be heard. [b]Put down your weapons, prepare for debrief.[/b] The hiss of opening doorways could be heard by anyone able to listen, an entire troop of fully armoured Cadian troopers flowing into the false battlefield and setting up a cordon for the entourage of Guard officers following them in. There were a variety of uniforms among them, from Cadians to Steel Legion, the foremost figure a tall and well-built Colonel with a bionic eye and greying hair shaved close to his skull beneath his peaked cap; in his sombre brown flak armour and beige jacket he looked every bit the commanding force. “Eighth squad?” He questioned an aide at his side, the smaller man in a simpler but no less regal outfit, one slender arm pointing toward the squad was currently huddled as he eyed a dataslate in his grip. “Eighth squad!” The Colonel now shouted, making his way over toward them, Guardsmen cautiously forming a cordon around the group – these [b]were[/b] still convicts after all, “my name is Colonel Harvar of the Cadian Seventy-Fifth. You have all proved yourself today, along with those other squads who competed here before you, and those that shall after. I would be most grateful to speak with the leader – or the person in command - of your squad, are they present?” ((OOC: I can only hope that most, if not all, of you are still here and willing to go on. If so then let's do this, if not, or if you are eeerring on going on, then I understand. The Emperor protects.))