[b]Guatemala City, Guatemala 5th May 1960[/b] Nathanael Blackwell had been working non-stop ever since his inauguration to learn everything about the current state of Central America. The rise of socialism and anti-capitalism in colleges and universities was considered to be a threat to the country. While calls for reunification with the Panama Canal Zone and demands of equal rights of minorities were minor issues. Blackwell kept himself busy with basic paperwork to avoid thinking about the week's events. Tomorrow, he is supposed to travel to the border town of Ayutla to give a speech about Central America's relationship with Mexico. Mexico never supported a united Central America and even viewed them as a potential threat to the economy. Their rivalry began in the late forties as both countries managed to get out of the Great Depression. Now in 1960, the rivalry was slowly gaining more traction with Jonatán Maroto's sudden death and the rise of the Blackwell administration. Mexico had said nothing about the whole situation other than a half-assed statement about Maroto's death. Blackwell finished up with the paperwork and decided to take a walk around the palace. However, work still found their way to interrupt his break time. The newly elected Vice President, Rubén Carvallo, approached the President for some unknown reason. The only reason why Carvallo became Vice President was that he was both a Hispanic and lived in Central America for his whole life. But, he was charismatic with the farmers and factory workers and it was going to be useful to Blackwell. "We need to talk." Carvallo said to Blackwell, which he responded with a glance. "I want to question your decision to send me across the country to deal with.. Don't you think that I should be standing by your side?" Blackwell turned his head and said, "This isn't my first time with the press by myself. I can handle some petty news reporters who will bomb me with pointless questions to get brownie points with their editors. You are more useful in Amatitlán, giving a speech about how we are planning to produce more jobs. Your speech is going to be more important to the people of this country than my speech will ever be." Carvallo wanted to protest the president, but it was going to be pointless. If he wanted to get mauled by the press, then he will happily accept his trip to a small town. Blackwell sighed and walked back to the office planning for tomorrow. [hr][hr] [b]La Aurora International Airport[/b] [b]2rd May 1960[/b] La Aurora was the busiest airport in Guatemala as a million passengers used the airport every year despite being in a poor shape. However, plans for modernization and expansion are finally being considered for approval. If the plans are approved, renovations could begin in late September and expansion of gates and ticket counters might get their start next year. For now, everyone had to deal with the current conditions. Both Santángel and Sanz walked inside the building. José Sanz had to go back to Belize City for work while Eustacio Santángel came along to say farewell to his friend. "Well, it's time that we parted ways." Sanz said as he approached the gate with his suitcase in one hand. "Farewell my dear friend. I hope that you arrive to Belize City safe." Santángel responded to his friend's goodbye. Before he could even leave the gate, Sanz shouted Santángel's name to get his attention. "I will try to do it, but you might not get it. Do you understand?" Sanz asked his friend the question. Santángel thought for a moment before nodding his head, understanding what he meant. "Good." Both Santángel and Sanz parted ways to go on with their own lives; however, a month passed by before the two men met again. [hr][hr] [b]Unknown, Guatemala City[/b] [b]1st June 1960[/b] José Sanz began lighting a cigarette as his hands were shaking all over the place. His friend was supposed to be back five minutes ago. Sanz started to think the worst possible situation for his pal, Eustacio Santángel: arrest for conspiracy against the government. Within a month, the Blackwell administration managed to pass a law that stated any socialist activities were deemed illegal and a threat against "the democratic unity of Central America." Then he heard footsteps. Several in fact. A warrant had been issued for both José Sanz and Eustacio Santángel, wanted for conspiracy against the government. Santángel was the first one inside the apartment before closing and locking the door as several officers tried to open the door. They heard one of the officers going back to his patrol car to call for backup at the apartment. Before he could say anything, another officer demanded that they unlock the door and surrender to the authorities. "Fuck you pigs!" Santángel shouted at the cops in Spanish as he looked around for objects to block the door. Sanz put down his cigarette in the ashtray, walked towards Santángel, and hugged him. His friend was at least safe despite bringing the authorities to their place. "God, you are alright! How were you spotted?" Sanz asked while finishing up the hug. "I was getting some fucking food at the supermarket when one of the cashiers recognized my face and 'secretly' called the police. However, one of the pigs was nearby to see me running away with the food. Had to drop them down the street. I didn't want to get arrested by myself." Santángel explained his story and began to cry. "The fucking capitalist bastards in power are arresting us because we think differently!" As both men started to cry, the officer returned with backup and a battering ram. Sanz and Santángel looked at the door as the officers began using the battering ram on it. No matter what, they couldn't escape the law. However, Sanz looked at the window and turned back to his friend. "I am sorr-." he tried to finish, but the battering ram did it's job and parts of the door flew all over the place. Officers rushed towards both men to arrest. Santángel was willing to get arrested while Sanz tried to jump off; thankfully, an officer managed to tackle him before he could kill himself. Sanz began to cry out curse words at the officers as he was handcuffed while Santángel joined. "You guys are betraying democracy by listening to our piece of shit government. The revolution is coming for revenge and it will kill every single capitalist pigs!" Santángel repeated over and over as one of the officers read their rights. Once he was finished, the officers brought both men to the patrol cars and shoved them in. Then, they went to the police station to begin the booking process.