A few moments later, it seemed like Gandalf did not get his point across to the King. Listening to Gandalf, go on about his council. Thranduil rolled his eyes slightly. "I think, you're trying to save your Dwarfish friends. Whilst, I admire your loyalty, it does not dissuade my course. You started it Mithandir, do forgive me...if I finish it." The ElvenKing told the Elderly Wizard. He made his way out towards the edge of the tent. "Are the Archers in position?" he asked the one of the Guards, before nodding. "Good, if anything moves on that mountain...Kill it." he instructed. Meanwhile, Bilbo stood near the gateway...he had a rope in hand. Tossing the rope down, once he made sure it was secure. The young Hobbit began to climb down. Once his feet touched the ground, Bilbo began to sneak his way into the city of Dale. He had to speak with Bard and the ElvenKing if he could. As Bilbo made his way to Dale, he heard a conversation between Bard and Gandalf. "You think that will stop them? It won't...they will fight to the death, to defend their own." Seeing Gandalf, Bilbo smiled at his Wizard friend. A short moment later, Thranduil looked down at the Hobbit. "If I am not mistaken, this is the halfling who stole the keys to the Dungeons, right under the nose of my Guards." Bilbo pursed his lips slightly, as he listened to the King. "Yes...sorry about that." he said, slightly through through clenched teeth. "I came to give you this..." Bilbo walked over to the small table, in front of Thranduil. Setting down a piece of cloth, unraveling it...inside was the Arkenstone. "The heart of the Mountain." Thranduil stood up shocked, seeing the Arkenstone. "The King's Jewel." "I took, it as my 16th share of the treasure." Bilbo explained. [hr] Feeling his arm shield her, Yavanna felt safe even with the threats near by. But seeing the bat and Orc Army led by Bolg. Yavanna felt her stomach clench...her friends were in more danger, than she could have imagined. As they stood up. Her hand holding onto his, as she followed him down the hillside. "I hope, it's not too late." Tauriel whispered; as she rushed down the hillside with them both.