[center][h1]Ren White[/h1] [h2]Wednesday, River side[/h2][/center] Ren rubbed sleep out of his eyes while sitting up straight in bed. How late had it been last night? The state of his room showed the evidence of an all-nighter; Stacks of books were wobbling on his night stand, a notebook with scribbles and drawings of the human anatomy lay open on the floor. His laptop was shuffled halfway under his bed and it's wire was a tangled mess next to it. Thankfully there were no classes today. Time to get some breakfast. There was nothing like a house brew of coffee from the Coffee Pot. He pulled out his phone, and typed a message that read: [i]"Leaving at the usual time."[/i] to his chauffeur. He inhaled slowly through his nose, and released a loud sigh. Putting his feet down on the floor he slowly walked into his closet to get dressed before leaving the apartment. Down at the first floor the porter was standing in the doorframe, a distressed look on his face. [color=red][i]"Oh, mister White. There seems to be a man sleeping on the sidewalk outside. I'm so sorry I haven't gotten rid of him yet, I only just saw him. Let me call the police right away, sir."[/i][/color] Ren looked out through the glass door and saw a black haired, kind of tall, scruffy looking guy on the sidewalk. His clothes were nothing to special, but he didn't have that homeless look either. He seemed to be out cold though. There was something familiar about him that Ren could not quit put his finger on. [color=gray]The guy from Swan Songs - who made that man on stage even more pissed off.[/color] There it was. They hadn't spoken to each other, but Ren remembered the sleeping man's slap-back comment with amusement. He seemed like an interesting fellow. [color=lightsteelblue][i]"It's alright, Jones. I know him."[/i][/color] The porter's mouth opened slightly, phone in one hand ready to call the police. [color=red][i]"Very well, sir."[/i][/color] The porter tried his best to not let his disbelief shine through, but his eyes gave him away. Ren went outside. His chauffeur, William, was waiting patiently as ever by the car and waved as he noticed him. Instead of walking directly to the car, he walked towards the sleeping man. Looking the guy over, Ren got the association of an opossum, playing dead. He lifted his foot and poked him not-so-gently in the side. [color=lightsteelblue][i]"Oi, deadbeat. Wakey-wakey. You look like you've seen better days. Care to join me for breakfast?"[/i][/color] Ren didn't know why he bothered with this guy. He blamed it on the city. Ever since he'd moved here to Sol, he'd been getting to know a lot of new people in a short period of time. At least it seemed like a better idea to get him to move by free will than sending the cops on the poor guy. [hr][@Rabidporcupine][hr]