[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yskgBVg.png[/img] [h2]Thymund White[/h2] [/center] [hr] Thymund would return his greeting with a very sincere, yet sinister smile. “Is your life only worth one mortal and a goblin, Desdemona?” No sooner had Thymund finished then the audible sound of spanish followed by a [color=8dc73f]"¡Oye, detenerlo! Let go!"[/color] would come from behind the snake. Thymund would shift his stance slightly, knowing that Desdemona would likely try all she could to escape. The shouting, however, had caused her to lose her focus for only a moment. Before Thymund lunged, he would hear the shout of the goblin behind Desdemona as he was launched across the room. With a slight step backwards, Thymund would raise a black clawed hand to Desdemona’s chin as she lurched forward from being hit in the back with a goblin. Thymund had to keep himself from laughing, as he knew the mortal had to be the cause of such a ‘feat’. His experience held him well as he now had claws touching Desdemona’s throat with her chin in his palm. “Perhaps you're oblivious nature is the reason you have stumbled upon me, for it seems a human- a sheep has evaded you.” His claws gently pressed against both sides of her throat as he could now see over her. Erin would now be able to see Thymund, who appeared to be a normal looking man aside from a large set of horns and very strange eyes. He was interested to see a female had been one to be abducted, however Thymund knew well that beggars could not be choosers. Desdemona had evaded him until today, she had hidden away as she slowly became more and more desperate. He remembered well how she had escaped their last encounter, though it was not without it’s merits. If he knew what the snake was good at, it was attempting to be convincing. When her life was on the line, she would give much to evade capture. This sentiment had Thymund curious, as she had given away her precious cover for nothing more than a single mortal. “Do not move if you wish to keep your breath, thief.” Thymund would look at the girl they had nearly stolen away through the edge of his vision, not daring to take his eyes completely off of Desdemona. His feet were poised as he was mindful of her coils, though thankfully her careful balance had been offset by the goblin that had hit her in the back. Thymund knew she could fight, however he also knew that she would not dare fight himself without the advantage of surprise. He was doing his best to attempt to keep her from gaining such an edge. He was moreso looking in Erin’s direction to make sure the goblin was not going to try anything.