[quote=@Antarctic Termite] Vowzra's gonna be [i]thrilled[/i] Jvan's gonna see him spinning in his grave and be [i]smug as hell[/i] Heads up, fiberlings are biodiversity monitors, so Dust Crawlers will start to encounter mass hairball resistance once the affected zone spreads far enough. Osveril would do well to tip that balance in the Crawler's favour, though letting the grey zone spread too fast could tip off other gods. [/quote] I've got plans for a whole invasive ecosystem, or at least something that could pass for one from a distance, waiting on Osveril to realise that the Crawlers will need support. I imagine that fiberlings won't be the only obstacles they face - white giants probably wouldn't like them either, and even clever mortals could figure out ways to deal with the swarms once they reach more populated areas. As for the gods taking notice, with Osveril's attitude it's only a matter of time anyway. Given that he still thinks he's got convincing arguments for them, that might even have been his intention if he had a better idea of how minds work.