[i]No. It wasn't him.[/i] This was the most terrible thing that could ever happen. Watching with wide eyes as steel handcuffs were put around Sam's wrists, Brooklyn began to doubt that anything would ever work in their favor. Louis started to cry in the other room, his wails echoing throughout the whole house. Brooklyn was caught between going to him or staying with Sam. Nobody else seemed to know what to do about it, either- Ella was sobbing as well and Chad was repeatedly opening and closing his hands into fists in frustration. Everybody except the law knew that Sam was innocent. Eventually, one of the officers snapped, "For Christ's Sake, can somebody [i]please[/i] shut him up?" Which caused Ella to give a little shriek and race over to the baby. However, she failed to make him stop crying by the time the officers and Sam left. Brooklyn decided to go with Sam, at least for the time being. She flew alongside the cop car. This was the first time she had ever used her wings except while practicing. She had to remember everything that Sawyer had taught her as the trip to the station was made. Although it was only five minutes, it felt like it took an eternity.