[h2][b][center]Setting_[/center][/b][/h2] Welcome to [b][i]The World[/i][/b], an online game played by millions around the world. It runs on the ALTIMIT Mine operating system (which everything else uses) and gives users a smooth access to The World as well as email, community message boards, news, music and other applications. The World has been created and overseen by CyberConnect Corporation (CC Corp.) for the past 17 years. Avid players of The World have seen it develop and evolve since the year 2000. During the span of 17 years, several serves and special job quests have spawned and many players have soon gone on to work for CC Corp, becoming graphic designers and Admins themselves. The World is the most player MMORPG on the market and it doesn't show any signs of quitting_ Our characters will take the role of people who have been playing for about a month. They have gotten the hang of the controls, have befriended a few online players, have begun to level up and are looking for new challenges and quests. Our characters will be friends during their last year of university in Nagoya, Japan. And the current year is 2017 and it is December 1'st_ [h2][b][center]Servers_[/center][/b][/h2] The Delta Server is [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dothack/images/c/c4/Roottown.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20061014231907]Mac Anu[/url], a place where all newcomers gather to trade items, take on quests, and mingle. It is set in eternal twilight and has many bridges and grand architecture. It is quite large and allows users to access areas from level 1 to level 50_ The Lambda Server is [url=https://lparchive.org/hack-Series/Update%2024/17-Mutation_Update1_CarminaGadelica_3.jpg]Carmina Gadelica[/url], it is a city with many shops and studded with stars in the night sky. It does not issues quests but it does offer players a place to raise Grunties. It allows users to access areas from level 51 to level 99_ The Sigma Server is [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dothack/images/e/e4/Fortouph.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070224005204]Fort Ouph[/url], a place linked with narrow stone walkways. It is surrounded by protective clouds and offers players more challenging quests. It allows users to access areas from level 100 to 149_ The Omega Server is [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dothack/images/d/d5/Bregepona.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070622175124]Breg Epona[/url], a large city powered by steam. It is the one city where killing other players is permitted. It allows users to access areas from level 150 to 200_ [h2][b][center]Areas_[/center][/b][/h2] Dungeons and fields make up commons areas. Areas can take form of temples, forests, grassy plains or other environments. Maybe fields also have a dungeon in which players can find up to five levels of monsters and treasure boxes. Some areas warp players directly into a single dungeon that is either made of stone or build within a forest or temple. Not alll areas will have a Gott Statue and many areas will require players to use chim spheres gathered from Chim chims to progress. Players use keywords to decide the weather, time of day and level and element for their given area_ [h2][b][center]Terminology_[/center][/b][/h2] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dothack/images/e/e0/M2D.PNG/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20070619024517]M2D[/url] has just released. It is a Micro Monocle Display and allows people to immerse themselves in their online life. The M2D offers a 1280 x 1024 full color projection display with a transparency option and provides high quality audio immersion via the new Omnisphere System. The default setting is monocle mode, in which only one lens is activated, but it can be put into double-lens mode for a more immersive experience. Add-ons include the Automatic Broad Interpretation, which allows users to select objects in front of their face and see detailed information about them. The M2D costs $420 and is standard equipment for The World_ [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/3e86/f/2017/190/e/4/chaos_gate_by_makaihana975-dbfnb0h.gif]Chaos Gate[/url] is the method of travel in The World. Users use them to go from root towns to areas. However users do not need one to warp back to root towns. They rotate and are powered by steam_ [url=http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire2/3bc180cf2ff53526986d3257081878771457988041_full.png]Grunties[/url] are animals that players can raise and summon for quick travel in areas. They seem closely related to bulls or pigs and eat a variety of items found in areas. They sometimes give their owner rare items they find while wandering around. Since only one can ride a Grunty, poeple in parties must all have a Grunty in order to stay together when roaming areas_ [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dothack/images/3/3a/Chim-chim.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20060707075820]Chim chims[/url] are small blueberry-like creatures who are made of steam. Most Chim Chims are quite timid and tend to flee when they encounter other races, but some are quite aggressive in nature and will attack any other race they encounter. Chim chims are needed to power chaos gates and other technology found in The World. They just need a good kick and then the player can harness their energy_ [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dothack/images/9/9d/BBSGU.png/revision/latest?cb=20110727063142]Community Forum[/url], is where people post regarding events going on in The World. It is accessed on someone's computer or cell phone_ [url=https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/dothack/images/3/31/Keelmountain2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070424035850]Lost Grounds[/url] are special areas where events or quests tend to happen. Their area words are often exchanged for rare items. Some people suspect rare items or tough monsters are hidden in these locations. Not much are known about them despite the many rumors and historical aspects tied to The World and those who may fall comatose_ Keywords are used to decide an area's parameter, which will determine the type of field, what grunty food can be found there, how many floors the dungeon has (or if there even is a dungeon) and the weather. It also determines the area level_ Member Address is something that listt a player's online or offline status. Players who are online but do not wish to be bothered can also list their member address as "busy". They are also how you can send a fellow user email offline but also send Flash-mail when online. They are used to form parties though one doesn't need one's member address in order to trade items_ Flash-Mail is a special kind of E-mail that is used inside of The World. Flash Mail can only be sent between people who have exchanged Member Addresses inside of the game and is usually used to send party invites or information between characters_ Gott Statues can be found at the end of a dungeon. They yield anywhere from one to three items of high value_ [h2][b][center]Classes_[/center][/b][/h2] Knuckle Masters specialize in unarmed, hand-to-hand combat, equipping gloves and knuckles as weapons_ Wavemasters are physically the weakest class, though they are capable of equipping the lightest armor, they have outstanding magical stats and can equip rods capable of using the most powerful Lv. 4 spells. They are able to use healing and attack spells as well as ones to boost allies and weaken enemies_ Taken by GM_ Twin Blades have high agility and attack with two short swords. Their rapid attacks leave no opening for an opponent to counterattack. They are quick and quite balanced_ Heavyblades are one of the strongest classes in The World. They are notable for their use of huge, double-handed swords and katanas. They can use some of the toughest armor and weapons. In exchange for their strength and endurance, they are lacking in defense and speed_ Steam Gunners use bayonets to attack. They specialize in long-range attack and are weak against close encounters, but if necessary their guns can be used as powerful melee weapons which keep most enemies away_ Flick Reapers specialize in attacks meant to keep multiple enemies away. However, they are ineffective at long range. They use large axes and scythes to fight_ Blademasters use simple one handed medium but agile blade in battle. They are quick and well rounded_ [h2][b][center]Application_[/center][/b][/h2] Below is a sheet for filling out your character (both online and offline) I wanna keep it as brief as possible while still giving me, the GM, enough information to ensure we have a balanced group of people who get along well. They are friends after all and they should be in their early 20s so I expect these characters won't have too many immature traits. Also keep in mind they are living in Nagoya, Japan and attend its university to keep in mind their goals online and offline_ Their family life isn't too important to me so I'm not looking for the character's life story. But anime pictures are required and the higher quality, the better things will be if I decide to make us a banner or something. -laughs- Anyway, post your sheets here and once I've approved, they can be dumped in the CS tab. Also I don't want characters with the same class so I guess it is first come, first serve on the classes, sorry folks_ Lastly, we won't be keeping tabs on currency or items, just don't use them to the point where I have to make people monitor what they have, thank you_ [center] [code][h2][b][center]Offline_[/center][/b][/h2] [center][b]Appearance:[/b] [img]Image goes here[/img] [b]Name:[/b] ? [b]Age:[/b] 21-23 is fine. [b]Major:[/b] ? [b]Part-time Job:[/b] If applicable. [b]Personality in 3 Words:[/b] ? [b]Dream Job:[/b] ?[/center] [h2][b][center]Online_[/center][/b][/h2] [center][b]Appearance:[/b] [img]Image goes here[/img] [b]Username:[/b] Nothing too long or riddled with numbers. [b]Class:[/b] ? [b]Current Level:[/b] Somewhere between 10-15 please. [b]General Combat Style:[/b] How do they fight in The World? [b]General Playing Style:[/b] How do they play The World?[/center][/code][/center]