[quote=@OneStoryToMany] I agree, I definitely hand-waved the accident. Frankly, there weren't many reasonable ways I could think of to have a character I wanted at the age I wanted without either a baptism that was mostly harmless, all things considered, or was a genius who rivaled Gon/Killua and that just seemed unlikely to me [i]shrugs shoulders[/i] So I went that route. If the baptism bothers you I can alter the situation some. Change ages and whatnot. I kind of like the baptism part, but thereare more realistic routes I can take if you'd like? [/quote] Baptism is fine. Tweak the incident a bit. Perhaps one of them saved her and introduced her to the mafia and Nen. The baptism could have occurred after her induction into the mafia. [quote=@Tenma Tendo] Nen Attacks [list][*][i]The Magician[/i] -- Transmuter -- With this card, Sora is about to transmute her Nen to make it one of the four core elements: air, water, earth, or fire. She can only use one element at a time. If she wants to change the element she would have to remove the cards effect and wait the allotted time before she can use the card again. She did a vary similar training that Killua had to do: she stood in front of a blowtorches, sat under waterfalls, touch and had rocks of of all kids thrown at her, and withstood tornadoes with her nen activated to avoid any real harm to herself. She made her body and nen experience the elements in some of their harshest forms, and it took roughly two months for her get a good grasp on this card. [*][i]Judgement[/i] -- Not Sure what type this would be; maybe Conjurer? -- This card is a lot like Kurapika's Dowsing chain. Placing the card on a person, Sora will ask a yes or no question. If said person speaks the truth, nothing will happen. If the person lies, the card will force said person into Zetsu before sending a blast of Nen upon where Sora places the card; casting judgement. Sora learned how to do this, via tests on those that taught her nen. (This one is still super iffy as I'm still thinking on how would be able to train this skill without hurting someone.) [*][i]Strength[/i] -- Enhancer -- As you can probably guess, this card strengthens whatever the card is placed upon. In order to get a good grasp of this card, Sora had to train enhancing and strengthening her aura around herself and other objects automatically. Everywhere she went, she unconscious enveloped whatever she was touching with her enhanced nen until it became second nature.[/list] I would say the one who hinted Sora on Nen would be one of the test-takers (like Hisoka and Illumi) that befriended her on her final attempt of the exam. How does that sound? Okay, I edit in her age one everything else is situated. I'll probably make her 13-15 years old. Haven't decided on a number yet since I'll have to change the past a little bit. Oh okay, lol. [/quote] [list][*] The Magician - You're overestimating Sora's memory capacity and underestimating just how grounded in realism Togashi's exaggerations are. Nen is a powerful force but in order to perform feats with fire, air, water, and earth you would have to learn those elements intimately. [b](Think of Kurapika's training with his chains)[/b]. Heres the perfect example of this. Killua was born into a place where shock torture was far-too common, he spent years going through this. Sora wouldn't be capable of learning those four elements enough to cast them as a Transmuter, not at the ages of 13 - 15 and not without injuring herself severely (She's be far more disfigured than she is unless she found someone to heal her). If she was to go the route of Conjuration she would need rules and at max (which I doubt she'd obtain mastery) would be 80% effective. I believe this Nen ability alone would have filled her memory capacity. [list][*][b][i]Judgement[/i][/b] is Conjuration at its best (100%). At most you'd be able to obtain 80% effectiveness. To force someone into Zetsu would require the power of Vows and Limitations on top of a mastery of said technique. [*][b][i]Strength[/i][/b] seems like Ren and Ryu working in tandem. Its more like you're a Specialist then a Transmuter. However, you'd need to impose the harshest of punishments if you wanted all of these abilities to pass through the way they are. IE. Every second Kurapika uses [b]Emperor Time[/b] is an hour off his life.[/list] [*] I'm down with that. However, unless he/she initiated Sora through baptism, it would take months of slow and steady training to open her aura nodes. [*] She's far too young to have mastered such a diverse array of Nen abilities. [*]I'm def not trying to be a hardass. But it just seems unlikely that she'd have accomplished all this. A lot of this could be explained by making her a Conjurer, creating rules and restrictions (vows and limitations), and possibly making her a Specialist. Along with expanding/tweaking her backstory a bit. [/list] [hr] [@Eis][@OneStoryToMany][@LemonZest1337][@Tenma Tendo][@Demous] (I have made a change to the CS. A stat system similar to the one on the [url=http://hunterxhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Hunterpedia]The Wikia.[/url] Look up any relevant character, scroll to the bottom of their respective page, and I'm sure you'll find a set of stats for them similar to the layout I've provided. This is not precise, its more of an overview. A measure of who might be stronger or not.)