[center][h2]Silias Aeson[/h2][/center] [hr] Silias reflected upon the Rune Weaver's reaction. [i]I see. There's an element of tragedy to her story. The question is... how to go about retrieving it? Clearly she isn't intent on sharing it in the next fifteen minutes, or at least lacks the time to properly explain it in detail. Or perhaps she could, but prefers not to in order to better control of her emotions. Either way, it seems I should investigate that later.[/i] Silias considered how to fill the next fifteen minutes. Already, his fellow scholars were mostly conversing among themselves, talking about relatively menial things. Fascinating in its own right, to be sure, but to be entirely frank he would have rather had that book at hand. Which reminded him... he should probably look into at least one spell useful for quickly drying things without damaging them. A basic fire spell would be great at the former purpose, not so much for the latter. Biblio crawled out of his coat collar so as to casually sit atop Silias' shoulder, in plain view of anyone who bothered to look in his direction. Silias idly noticed this, and nonchalantly rubbed his fingers over the familiar's back.