[h3][color=39b54a]Gorge The Mutant[/color][/h3]--> Near the ocean --> Salem Clinic /// Midday Gorge made sure every step was careful, so he wouldn’t jar his old friend around too much, the sight and smell of the sea was welcoming to both of them. Before too long he had found a quiet place to set the ghoul down at, it was quiet and it overlooked the sea. Sitting down next to his friend he passed him one of his bottles of whiskey, the ghoul didn’t hesitate to drink what was offered to him and for a moment they sat in silence. “You should stay here for a while Gorge, I think this place would be good for you” the ghoul spoke between coughs and wheezes. The larger mutant sighed and looked to his dying friend, “you sure that’s not you being delirious? Most places don’t like people like me around here.” The ghoul scoffed, coughed, and then laughed, “Please they might have a funny way of saying it but people around here would probably like the extra protection.” Gorge shifted slightly, he was a bit uncomfortable with the idea, “and if they tell me to leave I wonder where I will wander off to this time?” “Hey, you shouldn’t be alone this time and you don’t have to be.” The ghoul coughed and took another swig, “those people looked pretty roughed up, you’re no medic but I’m sure you have been around long enough to know how to keep some pathetic smooth skins alive.” They both laughed then sighed, “at least we had a good run old man.” The ghoul finished off the bottle and grabbed the other one, “yeah yeah, don’t get all touchy-feely on me, but if you find those supplies we were carrying you can give it to these folk here” another pause of coughing and drinking, “now go on back to town and help them out, that way this old man can die in peace.” The armored mutant stood and shook the ghouls hand one last time, “Good bye Harold, it was fun” Harold only nodded, “Likewise” Gorge looked to his friend one last time and picked up his gun leaving the mutant to enjoy his final moments alone. ------- The walk back into town was a short one, members of the town were still rushing about doing their own things and didn't really seem too bothered by him. He walked back to the clinic where he had picked up Harold and stepped inside, making sure not to bump the door frame when he entered. He looked about the makeshift clinic and noticed the one doctor taking care of one man with a few others looking after another girl. The mutant set his weapon down near the door, looking around once before taking off his gloves and his helmet. He was looking for a sink and some soap, lucky for him it would seem that there was a small sink with some soap nearby. Acting quickly Gorge washed his hands and walked towards the beds only to be interrupted by a man yelling about his injury. This man was the same one he brought in earlier and this time seemed to be a bit livelier now. The mutant walked over to the man’s bed side picking up a couple fresh bandages that were laid out on a table. Gorge walked to the right side of the man’s bed and knelt down, pulling an old monocle out of one of his pockets and putting it at his right eye. With a sigh he spoke, “listen here bud, my names Gorge and I’ll be keeping you alive today. So first things first I need you to calm down, your accelerated heart rate is going to get you killed.” However, even after telling the man to calm down the super mutant pulled out a small but sharp and well-kept knife, “if you do not calm down I will knock you unconscious, and now hold still while I cut your shirt off.” Gorge proceeded to cut the man’s shirt off to get a better view of the injury, if the man where to struggle or try to fight he knew that with this man’s current condition there was little chance of this man overpowering him. The mutant would ignore any insult or any attempt to harm him by this human and instead concentrate on the wound. He was no doctor, what little medical knowledge he had about humans was mostly to keep them alive but not comfortable. The large mutant proceeded to lay out the bandages across the man’s chest and hold pressure to him, his large hands being more than capable of spanning the entire wound. “Doctor this one is going to need stitches, and you don’t want me doing stitches.” When he turned to continue holding pressure, the mutants BOS holotags dropped out from around his neck. Gorge didn’t think much of it and continued to hold pressure on the man’s wound.