[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#0099ff]Jenna Westbrook[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/cc2994ca444477fdc5239520e15a5143/tumblr_inline_mrsx684Nmc1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][color=0099ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: the Voodoo Shop[/center][hr][hr] Jenna watched Miss Halsey like a hawk as she took the book. She was a tad bit worried that Miss Halsey would attempt to claim it as her own and would refuse to return it. But even if the woman practiced magic, she was fairly confident she could take her in a fight if needed. Voodoo had to have some prep time required, whereas ripping a book out of someone's hands and running was a fairly fluid motion. Thankfully, though, Miss Halsey returned the book and Jenna placed it inside her bag. [color=0099ff]"Interesting,"[/color] Jenna commented. By principle, she felt obligated to keep the book now. Ever since she learned of her adoption, she became more and more defiant of authority. Miss Halsey's warning was then perceived as a challenge, despite its good intentions. And even if it hadn't been Jenna's stubbornness driving her decision, there was still the fact that it was evidence in an investigation. While no one in the police knew about this particular piece of evidence, she wasn't about to burn it. [color=0099ff]"Tell me about demons,"[/color] Jenna requested. [color=0099ff]"And don't hold anything back. I don't scare easy."[/color] Of course, she already had a plan formulated in her mind for her next move, once she got the rest of the information she needed. She would approach this problem scientifically. She could head home or to a place where no one would disturb her, and once there, she could try the book out for herself. There was a fair chance that it was all nonsense, but her gut told her it was real. The more she understood about how this worked, the more she'd be able to understand what happened to Mayor Ryder.