[h2]Bawen Coridell[/h2] Bawen considered the young man next to him carefully. He hadn’t noticed him when he had sat down, a mistake on his part. But, if the boy had taken any offense at his intrusion he made no show of it, for which the chimera was grateful. The dealing with the mutts outburst had been embarrassing enough without having to wander about the cafeteria in search of a socially acceptable seat. He allowed the room to wash over him for a moment, the din of utensils on plates and idle chatter almost thunderous in the interpersonal silence. Bawen was considering broaching some idle small talk, if only to diffuse the awkwardness of his presence, when the young man blind sided him. [color=f26522]"They don't tell you about what happens when you go home, they don't tell you about the nightmares and the panic attacks. They don't tell you how much a thing like Vivat can damage somebody, how war breaks people."[/color] Bawen gawked at the boy for a moment, unsure what to make of that statement. Was he...being threatened? No. The man sounded more haunted than hostile. He clears his throat quietly, deciding this was as good an invitation to start a conversation as any. [color=33FFFF]”...I apologize sir, but I've missed out on some much needed conteBaaa-”[/color] A bleat escapes him as he’s yanked from his chair, gumbo clattering to the floor below. Thinking it was the dog chimera, a brief flash of agitation shot through Bawen and a scowl planted itself firmly on his face. Well, if nothing else, teleporting away and watching the gormless mutt strike air would prove amusing. However, any sense of rebellion was sucked from him the moment his gaze met his assailants, replaced only with mild panic and instinctive urge. The strike hits him with full effectiveness, a outcome as much his own choice as his attackers. To roll with the hit would be disrespectful, and to stand firm against it would be seen as defiant. Better to simply take the strike you earned and be done with it. [Color=999999]"What the [i]fuck[/i] is wrong with you?! Have you even looked in a mirror lately?! You're just as much a 'half-breed' as he is! But as far as I'm concerned [i]you're[/i] the only worthless one I see here."[/color] Bawen swallows the urge to rub the growing welt on his face. Ah, she must be annoyed he yelled at the mutt. Well, atleast they had only managed to agitate one patron, albeit one with an impressive left. [color=33FFFF]”I apologize ma’am.”[/color] He says casually, his tone flat and indifferent as though this were a daily occurrence. [color=33FFFF]” I meant no disrespect in disturbing your meal. While his behavior is an embarrassment, you're right in pointing out I am no better. Thank you so much for the correction.”[/color] He stares at her blankly, sleepless eyes looking almost bored with the exchange. [color=33FFFF]”....Is there anything else you need miss? I've spilt mediocre gumbo to clean."[/color] he asks, limply leaning into the grip. [@hagroden][@FlitterFaux]