When Olli's Eevee Lunar showed herself, Kjolmar laughed out loud. "You have one too? Look at this." Kjolmar revealed his very own Eevee. "This is Prince." Kjolmar's Eevee immediately showed an interest in Olli's Eevee and started playing with it. Litwick on the other hand seemed to prefer hanging out with Chimchar. It sprayed some sparks of fire from it's flame towards Chimchar, figuring that it wouldn't be hurt by it, it was meant rather playful. Then again, how playful could a candle be that fed on the dead? Kjolmar was sure that his Litwick was different than others, kinder somehow. "Well, it seems our pokemon agree on us traveling together. I got a note from Charlotte that she won't be joining us just yet and that we can go on without her for now. Too bad, I bet her Espeon would've like our Eevee's. So, where to in this big and wonderful city?"