[@ineffable] "Golems! These wretched cur shall not harm the handfull of random inferior citizens that live in this lavatory. I, the rightously prestigious..." [@Darkwatck01] Ravadon ducked away as a bar chair was hurled at him. It seemed the head towards a group of people behind him. The person hurling was the servant following orders of a nobleman. That nobleman was a person who actually knew lavatory was the high-status equivalent of "Pissbucket" for the common man. "...and equally swift, shall strike down any and all oppressive regimes that limit the true freedom of speech. The power is mine. The Gladius is mine. And with the condescending penance for your transgression I shall bring you, nemesis, veracious virtue." He commenced walking towards the door, shouting ever louder. He did this hoping the people would follow him in his charge of the golems. [b]"For I have the honor! I have the glory! By my competence, justice will be rectified!" [/b] [@Thinslayer] Ravadon ran outside, seeing the unspeakable horrors the golems were about to perform in the streets. He foresaw their swift end. Roughly, after two or three more speeches. Though he was never a true fan of short speeches such as the one he gave in the tavern, Ravadon couldn't help but feel like he needed to act quickly if he was going to execute a display of his effectiveness in this latrine infested city.