[h1]Guillan - Royal Complex: Dungeons, Morning[/h1] Eravon noticed how everyone was going along, the stench littered the room as if it is a new sort of air. Eravon eavesdrops, maybe someone found an escape route. Though he does not believe that these people are getting along pretty quickly. He managed to calm down by breathing heavily for a few moments. Then he stood up and looked around, he got enough information well at least he thinks he has. someone was named Bark however Eravon did not notice who in the group had that name. However a few things come to his mind. If these people did converse long before he arrived he might be able to join in their plans. However talking to people is not his number one thing. Maybe scaring people? Well no matter what his arrival must have alerted these people that he is not a typical human being. So if they wanna think like that, then so be it! But maybe try too control it a little. He approached the cell door and spoke. "How could you all be calm when we are closing to our death!" He said as he rattles his cell door again. He then slowly sat on front of the cell door.