[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180328/ae29775eac2cd2c115fbb81f4dbbfd1e.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Smith's Rest, New Anchorage | Convention Center[/b] March 26th, 2677[/color][hr][/right] [indent][i][color=954f4f]At least I can say that this night hasn’t been boring.[/color][/i] The thought crossed Kane’s mind as he sat in the canteen as he had during the outburst and the red-haired [i]child[/i] that stood in front of him barely able to still contain herself, even after the other girl had left in what Kane assumed was an innate disapproval of such antics. At the very least Kane had a better understanding of some of his supposed comrades, though he did wonder how the more tense days to come were going to influence things. Would this drunken outburst and public mockery lead to a worse situation down the line? or was it going to be business as usual? It was something to think on and observe. Kane rose another cigarette to his lips as he took the old flip lighter from the table and ignited the rolled narcotic. [color=75906C]“Looks like this [i]fun[/i] and [i]exciting[/i] meeting is coming to an end. The big wigs are about done answering their own questions.” [/color] Kane’s eyes moved to the direction of the voice – a man he recognized as another one of the NC pilots and the one who had the only “positive” response from the audience during the interviews: Joshua Ray. Kane wasn’t sure Ray’s brand of sarcasm was something he particularly enjoyed, but it was certainly less frigid and terse as the two blonde women they worked alongside in the piloting division. He would take a sarcastic asshole any day over frigid, machinelike, and terse. At the very least it felt [i]human[/i]. But on the other hand, Joshua Ray wasn’t [i]stupid[/i]. He knew exactly that was how the convention assembly was going to go, so coming up to him to tell him the [i]obvious[/i] was an action that definitely piqued Kane’s curiosity. Though he couldn’t guess really guess what Ray’s intent was outside to either gloat or get rid of his own incessant boredom. Despite being comrades-in-arms of sorts, Kane still wasn’t sure what to make of him. It was an uncertainty that bothered the experienced NC pilot. [color=954f4f]You’re surprised?[/color] Kane inquired as he removed the cigarette from his lips. Kane, with cigarette still in mouth, doubted that Joshua was surprised. It made little sense for the black-haired pilot to be shocked that the administration knew how to play the game a lot better than a handful of unorthodox and inexperienced pilots. He had been around long enough to know that much. So what was his game? Trying to be helpful? Relieving his boredom? Wanting to socialize or gossip? Subtle flirting? It could’ve been anything under the sun as far as Kane could imagine. The black-haired pilot laughed as he shook his head, [color=75906C]“Nah. Graham’s a real professional and Lady Macbeth is the last person I’d want to be alone in the same room with.”[/color] Kane raised a brow, [color=954f4f]“Lady Macbeth?”[/color] [color=75906C]“Hasn’t anybody other than Alan read a holonovel before? Maaan.”[/color] He sighed, [color=75906C]“Don’t worry about it.”[/color] Kane wouldn’t; he had better things to do than get Ray or Fouren’s archaic references that had no bearing on the here and the now. However, before Kane could reply Kathryn Dradht’s voice cut in on the conversation. Hell, for a second Kane had entirely forgotten the high strung little girl was still sitting at the same table as he was. It didn’t help that she was speaking with a mouth full of her own plate of food. Kane cringed, hadn’t her mother ever taught her any basic manners? [color=f7941d]“You and Alan are fuckin’ nerds, you know that, right?”[/color] Kane exhaled smoke from his nose as he put the piece down on the side of his recently empty plate that he had now taken to using as a makeshift ashtray. [color=954f4f]“They’re definitely something, yeah. We should prepare to leave. It’s about time for our glorious commander to cart us back ‘home’, I think. Ryn, do you think you could go off and tell Vera to get ready if she isn’t already?”[/color] The young girl nodded, her mouth still full of food. [color=f7941d]“Yeah. Give me a minute.”[/color] Kane nodded as he stood up from his seat, looking towards the other adult. [color=954f4f]“You tell Jackspar and the rest. I’m going to find Moore to make sure he doesn’t miss the trip and get reprimanded. Because, you know, [i]someone[/i] has to.”[/color][/indent]