[center][h2]Hello Everyone![/h2][/center] I'm a huge fan of Pokemon, and already have some experience in running Pokemon based RPs. The one I'm thinking about doing now is more on the classical side of things. I will post for NPCs and decide what Pokemon pop up in the wild (things of that nature). Here are some details: --- This RP will include Pokemon from every generation thus far. --- I spent a lot of time developing a map. Check it out below. --- [b]To start this adventure, I need two people to join. You two will be 'rivals'. You are not allowed to post again until AFTER your rival posts (or a certain amount of time passes). You will both start at town number 1 (to be named later). Before you start, talk with your potential rival; make sure you both are on the same page with posting frequency.[/b] --- Looking at the map, you may notice that it can be divided into [b]seven main areas[/b], three areas on the mainland and four island based areas surrounding. In each of these areas, there will be [b]one gym[/b]. So there are [b]seven gyms[/b]. These gym leaders have Pokemon based on [b]Generation[/b] not type. These areas will primarily have Pokemon from their own generation, but they may also have Pokemon from other generations as well. --- I will post after every user post. I will use some advanced hidden dice mechanics to decide things such as wild Pokemon encounters and trainer challenges. When you/we are battling or you're trying to catch a Pokemon, we will use this site's simple dice mechanic so that you can plainly see the results. --- In this RP, we are going to be ignoring things such as move sets and stats for PvNPC encounters. There are only two things that matter in a Pokemon battle against an NPC: typing and level. Everything else is up to chance through the dice roll system. Be reasonable with your posts though. Don't say, "Pikachu use bubble beam!" And a level 5 Pikachu shouldn't be using Thunder. Reference [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/]Bulbapedia[/url] if you need help. --- If you wish to battle against your rival however, the two of you can sort that out in [url=https://pokemonshowdown.com/]Pokemon Showdown[/url]. Again, be realistic when choosing your move sets; reference [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/]Bulbapedia[/url]. --- There will be healing items, Pokeballs, and a few other special items as well. You can acquire most battle/hold items however you see fit. Maybe you find them in a random crate or a person gifts you one. They are only used in [url=https://pokemonshowdown.com/]Pokemon Showdown[/url] anyways. [hider=MAP][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/6d1b064f-2128-447d-94f8-8f8ee706807a.jpg[/img][/hider] [h3]So if you have any questions, or already have a buddy that you want to sign up with, let me know! Thanks!!![/h3]