[centre][h2]The Van[/h2] [h1]Boston[/h1] [sub]Earlier - 21st January, 2011[/sub][/centre] The collective group smiled, but only Sickle spoke. “Then we have so much work to do.” “We’ll head back to our little clubhouse, but the rest of us have an appointment later tonight. Before we head over, we’ll drop you off by our employer’s penthouse. He’ll watch over you while we’re gone.” [@knifeman] [hr] [centre][h2]The Zenith - Medical Isolation Ward[/h2] [h1]Above Boston[/h1] [sub]21st January, 2011[/sub][/centre] “As of right now, I believe a number of Protectorate capes are out on mission. Foxfire, Cold Front, Vector, Gamble, Ifrit, Knight and even Praetor. From what I gather, it’s more a show of force than anything major, but I think sending the bulk of power the Protectorate has all to the one place was foolish.” She chuckled and shook her head, taking the name badge from Xoxi and attaching it to her shirt. “But I’m just a humble therapist and no-one asks for my advice.” Standing and walking over to the guards, she waved a hand. “She’s completely fine, just had to get a bit of pent-up anger dealt with. There’s no threat to you in this room, and you can let her out.” “After that?” The captain asked incredulously, pointing to the ruined bed. “Yes, captain,” she said with a smirk. “Unless you don’t trust my assessment.” His eyes narrowed, but he nodded to the door. Two of his men typed in a code and it opened. Yamada turned to Xoxi one last now. “I’m afraid I really must run, now. I’m already slightly late. However, should you need a shoulder, the Wards will be more than happy to oblige. Especially Gestalt. She’s been where you are now. Not as bad, definitely, but you’ll find a kindred spirit, there.” “I’ll be over again in a few days. Till then, take care of yourself, Xoxi.” [@Banana] [hr] [centre][h2]The Circus Maximus[/h2] [h1]Victory Road[/h1] [sub]21st January, 2011[/sub][/centre] “Talk it out? That would appeal to me, if there was anything to talk about.” “The outcome of this match, however, was set in stone from the moment you stepped foot in this ring.” His laugh echoed out from behind the mask. If anything, the muffled tone made it creepier. “But i’ll offer you a bit of advice for the future. It’s unwise to show your hand to an opponent before playing the game. Telling me you are a cyborg just might have changed my entire strategy.” “It hasn’t, because I already knew, but keep it in mind.” He left that final statement hanging, watching for any signs of tension in her body. Masks made reading faces impossible, but muscle tension can be visible under costumes. More than usual, for the ridiculous spandex-wearing weirdos. “And for the record, I’m not just ‘self’ righteous,” he muttered under his breath, to no-one in particular. The crowd began to cheer as the announcer kicked off the match. Sickle just grinned. [@Migyudon][@Duoya][@Lasrever][@Old Amsterdam][@SkinnyTy][@PlatinumSkink]