Lena cocked her head at the man, who had laid flat on the sand, in confusion. "Enjoying?" She crouched down, scooping some sand up into her hand before letting the grains fall through her fingers. It looked comfortable, that was for sure, but what did Lo mean by 'something they would see on a daily basis'? Was he suggesting that they were never going to be able to leave this place? Unfortunately, it was a possibility, one that Lena did not want to think about. Even discovering all this water would mean nothing if she could never see her friends and family again. Lo then stood up, suggesting that they look for others. That was when Lena spotted something behind him. A strange-looking creature had emerged from the forest. It looked like an animal, but it was walking on two legs and wearing large shoes. "What is that?" Lena asked in shock, pointing to the blue creature. [@Scott Silverado] [@BespeckledCeph]