[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjg4LmJhYThjYy5RV3hsYzNOaC4wAAAA/azkia-demo.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b2/7f/3d/b27f3d735035ae3eef2deffddfbe44b4.jpg[/img] [color=lavender][i]"I seriously don't have the energy to pretend to like you today."[/i][/color][/center] [B]|[color=lavender] [I]NAME:[/I] [/color]|[/B] [INDENT]Alessa Grimm[/INDENT] [B]|[color=lavender] [I]AGE:[/I] [/color]|[/B] [INDENT][u]Age Appearance:[/u] 18 [u]Actual Age:[/u] 25[/INDENT] [B]| [color=lavender][I]MAGIC ABILITIES/AUGMENTOR:[/I] [/color]|[/B] [INDENT][list][*][u][b]School of Magic: [/b][/u] Abjuration Magic -a type of magic that deals in protective spells and the suppression of others' magic. Magic of this school creates physical or magical barriers, negates magical or physical abilities, harms trespassers, or even banishes the target of the spell to another plane of existence. Clairvoyants who specialize in this type of magic are known as Abjurers. While Abjurers are knows to have significantly higher Mana levels than other Clairvoyants, this type of magic is considered to be a rare and potentially dangerous due to the fact that large area spells can quickly deplete the casters Mana, leaving them weak and vulnerable. [*][u][b]Augmentor:[/b][/u] A silver cuff [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51D5F6QHFKL._SY300_QL70_.jpg]bracelet[/url] given to Alessa by her Father. [*][b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] Mana Shield - A spell that transmutes raw Mana into a shield that repels physical and magical attacks. The larger the barrier, the more magical energy it uses up, and it cannot be maintained for extended periods of time. Alessa is able to cast this spell on multiple targets at once, as well as up to a distance of a few yards. While this spell is active, she cannot move out of her casting circle, or her Mana flow will be cut off and the shield(s) will dissipate. Anti-magic Field - A spell in which a large circle is cast, creating an invisible barrier around the user that inhibits the flow of Mana while inside. Magical items and spells cannot be used within the barrier, and any magical effects that were cast prior are suppressed but not dispelled. Alessa is able to "overlay" only one spell while the barrier is up, allowing her, for example, to be able to cast a shield as well if need be. Spell Reflection - A powerful spell that absorbs magical energy from an attack and sends it back towards a target. Dispel - Abjurers specialize in dispelling, so this is not really a high level skill, though it is something she is able to do at an advanced level. This means she can break spells that have been placed on objects or individuals quite easily, unless placed by an Abjurer of a higher skill level than she is. Aura Field - A spell that allows for those within a veiled area around the caster to absorb Mana and replenish their own. While within the space, small surface wounds are healed and and spell based poisons/toxins are filtered out of the body. Glyphs - Alessa has a wide range of protective glyphs, temporary spells that she can place or bind to a certain object or person that allows for single target protection until the magical energy is spent. These sort of spells, though small, typically cannot be undone unless by another Abjurer and only fade once the magical energy is used up. These glyps have guards and wards that can repel negative energy as well as mask it, making it hard for someone or something to detect magical energy within a space. [/list][/INDENT] [B]|[color=lavender] [I]PERSONALITY:[/I][/color] |[/B] [INDENT] Alessa is quiet and mostly likes to keep to herself rather than deal with people or be the center of attention. She doesn't have many people who are close to her and it's hard for her to form relationships with others because she is so guarded. When she does have to interact with others, she is the queen of sarcastic and snide remarks. Due to her traumatic childhood, Alessa has a hard time trusting and opening up to others. Even those who she considers friends are kept at a distance. She prefers not to be in a position of power or having to lead others, though her ability to think quickly and rationally often puts her in such a position. She can be a bit of a know it all, correcting people when they make mistakes and then teasing them about it afterwards. She has a difficult time dealing with children and animals and avoids them at all costs, almost as if she has an irrational fear of them; though she will never admit it. [/INDENT] [b]| [color=lavender][i]SAMPLE POST:[/i][/color] |[/b] [INDENT] [hider=Sample] The cold had a mind of its own. That was all Alessa knew for sure in the world. For as long as she could remember, the floor had felt frozen, her feet bare, and her eyes filled with tears. Not knowing why, she had to carry out many long days and sleepless nights alone in that room. The little girl of merely five years spent a lot of time crying. Her tears kept her face warm as she lie on the frozen floor. She couldn’t see anything in that room, though she could reach her pale arms out and tiny fingers would touch another frozen surface. It was her cage. Her “home” as her owner called it. It was where she spent most of her time, though it didn’t really feel like a home. In the small space, Alessa was unable to stand, and it was impossible to stretch out without her feet sticking through the bars uncomfortably. Once before, she had gotten out, slept under a blanket she had found, though the moment she was discovered, the little girl regretted it. Her owner had punished her, hit her hard and left tender bruises all over her body. The man had covered the cage with heavy items to be sure she couldn’t escape again. She didn’t try. Most the time, Alessa’s heart was always heavy. Though see she could not, her hearing wasn’t impaired. Often, she heard people in the next rooms laughing and enjoying time together, where as she had no one. She usually only saw her owner once a day, when she was brought her meal, but she was afraid of him. He liked to hit and kick against the bars. It scared her. Scared as she was, Alessa had no choice but to eat whatever the man had given to her. It was usually just the remains of something, never a full meal. She never liked any of it, but she was unable to control the hunger that roared within her. When she would finish, he would rush from the room with the dish, leaving her to live out the rest of the day in lone darkness. On this day, she hadn’t yet received her meal, though her nose twitched at the wonderful scents creeping from under the door. There were a lot of people there, singing and talking happily as if there was something to celebrate. The girl kept her eyes closed and simply listened, her body curled up and still against the floor. She wasn’t sure how much time passed, but eventually the noise got further away and harder to hear. Eventually she would give up, giving in to the silence that engulfed her. Tiny fingers slid along the floor until the touched a small stone and grasped it. Alessa took the rough stone and began tapping lightly against the metal bars of her cage, humming her own tune in the darkness. Unbeknownst to her, just down the hall, a young, blonde haired boy wandered aimlessly, a bored look on his face as he waited for his father’s business to be over with. He was dressed warmly to combat the chilling weather beyond the walls of the building. It was large, likely difficult to heat like his home was. The further he walked down the hall, the more this thought was confirmed. It seemed like it got colder as the light of the nearest room faded, and so he raised his candle lamp higher, bringing it near his face to keep his cheeks from feeling the chill. As he approached a large door, he could hear the faint sound of tapping and another noise he couldn’t quite grasp. The young boy of just ten years looked behind him to be sure no one followed, and he picked up his pace, curiosity gathering in him and edging him forward. He approached the door, eyes wide with a hidden anticipation at what he might find beyond the door. The blonde boy turned the handle on the door and gave it a push, groaning as it was heavier than he thought it would be. Quickly he stepped into the room and shut the door behind him, placing his back against it. He paused a moment, ears straining to pick up any sounds of someone following him. The thrill of getting caught and scolded had his heart pounding in his chest. It was a thrill he loved. Once all seemed quiet, he calmed a bit, paying more attention to where he was. It was pitch black around him, save for the soft glow of the candle in his lamp. He noticed the tapping sound had ceased and was replaced by what sounded like frantic breathing. “Hello?” he called out, getting a small noise in response. Lifting the lamp up, the boy walked further into the room, ducking under cobwebs and stepping over the random items that seemed to be littered about. Following the sound, he came upon the metal cage belonging to Alessa. He looked at the thing, head tilted in confusion and he crouched down bringing the lamp closer to the cage, the gold glow slowly illuminating what was inside. Trailing along the floor was what looked like long, black threads, and so he reached out and picked some up, letting them run through his fingers. They were soft, he noted, though covered in a thick layer of dirt and dust. Following them, his grey eyes noticed bare feet and legs, a dirty and tattered excuse for a dress, and a terrified set of eyes staring back him. [/hider] [/INDENT]