[center][h1][b][color=C1CDCD]H I L D A[/color][/b][/h1][hr][hr][/center] Morholt didn't take his ID back. He stomped off without saying anything, leaving Hilda and the dense crowd of anxious students behind. The girl hadn't even noticed the amount of people around her until now, and suddenly it felt much harder to breathe. Everyone's eyes were on her, worried expressions and troubled looks plastered onto their faces. Hilda ran her fingers through her hair, breaking into a nervous sweat. Then, someone laid their hand on her shoulder. Hilda jumped. [b]"I'm thinking that this is the first time you've been challenge to a duel, yes? If so, you probably don't know what you're getting into."[/b] She was being challenged to a duel? But how? Since [i]when[/i]? [b]“[color=C1CDCD]I, uh... well, this is my first time duelling a stranger, yes...[/color]”[/b] Hilda was interrupted by one of the enforcers who informed her of dueling ground preparations, and the boy who attempted to comfort her began to speak of the terms of the duel she would have to consider. How could she have gotten into such a mess on her first day on campus? She began to tug at her hair slightly as she ran her fingers through it again, failing to reassure herself about the whole ordeal. Finally, the crowd was dispersed and everyone returned to whatever business they were tending to. Hilda let out a long sigh, only now remembering the mess that had been splattered all over her clothes. Even with the terrifying presence of that giant of a student, it was no wonder everyone was gawking at Hilda as well. Her face flushed a bright red once she realised the filthy state she was in once again, and an even brighter red once she turned to face the boy she had the misfortune of presenting herself in front of. In her moment of panic, Hilda muttered a swift sorry before scuttling out of the mess hall. By the time she was outside and almost out of everyone's sight, she broke into a run back to her dorm room. [hr] Hilda snuck into her dorm, assuming no one else had arrived yet. She took the opportunity to get dressed and unpack her things, making some minor arragements in the room she had occupied. She grimaced at her blood stained coat in the middle of cramming things into drawers, noting she was definitely going to need to shove it into a washing machine. And soon, Hilda would be finished tucking her possession away. She stood in the corner of her bedroom and nodded, appreciating the cleanliness of it all. All she hoped is that it would look like this for the rest of the school year. Hilda's spear and sword stood in a criss cross by her bedroom window, the light of a new day shining through the glass. She gripped the spear in her hand, already reminiscing about the incident from not too long ago. Hilda knew from the shock on everyone's faces that this was going to be a combat based duel, and Hilda had to go up against someone who stood two feet taller than she was. Suddenly switching into a fighting stance she thrust the spear into the air, making full use of the space her room provided. It was much smaller compared to the lavish accommodations of her own home, but it would do. Perhaps if there was a lesser known space of land somewhere else on campus, Hilda could use it for her daily morning exercises. Performing a few more graceful sweeps with her spear, Hilda began to think of the duel she would soon have to engage in. As much as she didn't want to lose, Hilda didn't want to get severely injured either. She had fought many duels before, but rarely would it be against a face she didn't recognise. The tallest person she had ever battled was her 6'11 brother Burkhard, and this student was well over eight feet tall and about five times as muscular. Hilda exhaled. There was no turning back now. Although some would have considered her actions in the mess hall as righteous, she had gotten herself into this ordeal by intervening in the first place. And if she wanted to scrape out of it alive, she was going to have to fight. But first, sleep.