[h2]Cabhan[/h2] [hider={Cabhan}] [center][h3]{Cabhan Walsh}[/h3] [i]Rider of {Sapphire}[/i][/center] [b]APPEARANCE—[/b] Appearance: (Has light almost white blonde hair with faint streaks of purple and blue has pale purple eyes and the outfit in the pic) Height of 5 foot 8 [url=http://img04.deviantart.net/b6a3/i/2014/232/e/2/conall_the_archer_by_the_unj-d7vycgm.jpg]Click me[/url] [b]AGE—[/b] 23 (bonded at 13) [b]GENDER—[/b] Male [b]HISTORY—[/b] Cabhan was born to a black smith and his wife after years of trying. His father was disappointed when the boy was not only premature but also smaller and more lean in build. While he was happy to have a son he was always disappointed in him. This boy would clearly never follow in the footsteps of him so he didn't even try to teach him. Always knowing this disappointment Cabhan honed the skills that he could at a young age. He became a skilled hunter, tracker, and leather worker earning little approval from he father he constantly was trying harder. Until he ended up with a dragon. That earned much respect from his father even if the ball of purple and blue fluff was a Flit wit. No others in his family line had ever gotten a dragon let alone received it at 13. Having finally gained approval from his father he's a lot more laid back if albeit obnoxious and sarcastic. He and the Flitwit known as Sapphire (saphy as a nickname). He has become so bonded with his dragon that his hair developed the streaks of pale blue and purple. With all this extra money from leather working he was able to move out at age of 17 and buy a nice place with a stable and acreage. [b]PERSONALITY—[/b] Laid back yet sarcastic and obnoxious with a silver tongue that gets him out of trouble or can get him into it [b]TALENTS/SKILLS—[/b] [list][*]Hunting [*]Tracking [*]Leather working (makes high quality goods and sells them at market) [*]First aid (considering how often he got himself hurt he figured he could learn...his mom taught him) [*]Silent walking [*]Stronger then he looks (can carry a dead elk by himself) [*]Quick [*]Blending- he can blend in in crowds (think assassin's creed) [*]silver tongue- can often talk he way out of problems and get the best deals [*]Bow and arrow [*]Dagger skills[/list] [b]FLAWS/WEAKNESSES—[/b] [list][*]Light weight- He can lift heavy weights yes, but a bigger man can damage him pretty badly [*]Leather- He only wears leather so heavy weaponry can damage him [*]Forest dweller-Being an assassin means he can do well anywhere but is more out of his element in cities [*]he says something wrong that generally can piss people off and get him injured [*]Human-if you toss him off a mountain or behead him or fatally wound him he will die[/list] [b]EXTRAS—[/b] [list][*]owns bow and arrows [*]no real notable accent [*]pale purple and blue streaks in his hair [*]Loves the forest [*]name is pronounced Kav+an[/list] [hider={Sapphire}] [b]Sapphire—Sapphy[/b] [b]GENDER—[/b] Male [b]BREED—[/b] Flit wit [b]APPEARANCE—[/b] [url=http://img03.deviantart.net/a64e/i/2014/030/4/f/comish___slip_into_the_darkness_by_twilightsaint-d74ecfl.png]Click me[/url] (about the size of a quarter horse) [b]PERSONALITY—[/b] [list][*]Energetic [*]Obnoxious [*]Sarcastic [*]loving[/list] [b]EXTRAS—[/b] [list][*]Communicates mostly by chirps (like a cheetah) and whistles [*]Somtimes mimics other animals to help Cabhan hunt [*] loves fish and deer [*]like sleeping in the stable[/list] [/hider] [/hider]