[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hNYWbM0.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/qsCZpOI.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/u14R554.png[/img] [color=darkgray]"Miss Williams left a little hint that she may know a little more about this little 'new development' than she let on."[/color][sub][sub][sub][hr][/sub][/sub][/sub][/center][right][indent][indent][color=#598865][b][code]Cafe la Sucre.[/code][/b][/color] [color=dimgray]│[/color] A collab with [@Surtr][/indent][/indent][/right][center][sup][hr][/sup][/center] The Sucre was in sight, and Samson smiled upon smelling the sweet scent of coffee! Okay, that was incorrect. He hated the smell of coffee. He was never a coffee drinker... he drunk it in small amounts so he could wake up sometimes, and that was it. He walked up to the building, and noticed Claire talking with Brit... the town's queen bitch. He kept his distance for good reason. Though, there was something strange that made the teen halt to a stop... he could see through the building. This was something he noticed over time, but people were illuminated to him. Though walls... long as they were within a certain distance, Samson could see them. He could see something inside them, too. A fire. Like Hagan, he thought that it was an anger of sort, as it flared during their confrontation. It felt like Hagan had anger hidden deep down, at himself. Samson briefly glanced at Claire, and the flame inside of her was a bit more intense, not that she was actively angry, but she had a simmering flame that was ready to burn all over. Samson sighed as he pushed inside. He'd figure out his superpower another time, he walked up to the front counter, and ordered two of the strongest coffees they had. He had them on one of those weird paper tray things (hell if he knew what these were called), and quickly turned around to walk back out. He had to get back to Hagan before that knucklehead wandered off, and continue testing... As he stepped outside, he caught sight of an insanely bright fire. Not matching Claire's, but still angry. Hmm... He wondered if he should investigate. Just out of curiosity, and to figure out how this damn power works. He turned, and sauntered towards the fire, the person who it belonged to was probably not someone he wanted to cross. They're probably that type who'd explode at him at the slightest provocation, and would tear Samson a new one. That kind of anger boiling inside told Samson nothing... ... It was Dexter. Samson stopped as he caught sight of the kid. The dude was pretty nice... they talked a few times, but Samson, otherwise, didn't go out of his way to befriend him. He had other things to worry about, and he now realized why. Maybe he could always sense anger in a way, and knew Dexter wasn't what he seemed. Either way, Samson was going to be cordial. Only so he can learn something new. He walked over to Dex, and smiled. As Samson approached, Dexter looked up from his phone. He had been browsing instagram when something grabbed his attention. It was almost instinctual, but when Dexter caught sight of the one and only Samson Jeross approaching him with a smile, he understood why. Much like Claire, and Ryu, and Madeline, Samson had a thin red hue surrounding his figure. Another person to add to the list. Dexter stuffed his phone into his pocket and extended his hand for Samson to shake. [color=gold]"Samson! It's been a while! How've you been?"[/color] he said, legitimately cheerful. Dexter and Samson hadn't had a whole lot of interaction, but several times in eighth grade Samson had gotten Hagan to leave him be. It wasn't that he wasn't capable of defending himself, rather that he just was more of a pacifist when it came to standing up to physical bullies like Hagan. In the school yard, he always had the soft power over most would be bullies and was left alone as a result, but Samson had the hard power necessary to [i]really[/i] chase off people like the infamous Farmer Hill thug. So as one could assume, while Dexter was certainly no suck up, he did what he could stay on Samson's good side when given the opportunity. "It's been..." Samso. wanted to bring out the bloodbath at the mill, and this new awakening of his, but he kept his mouth shut. "... Great man!" He widely smiled as he grabbed onto Dexter's hand firmly, and then patted him on the shoulder. "You been stayin' safe out here?" He asked, "Lots of crazy shit going on..." Dexter shook his hand firmly. He leaned against his car and rubbed his forehead. [color=gold]"Yeah it's been... well, to see last time something like this happened, I'd probably have to go into the town history books."[/color] he commented. He looked Samson up and down and figured that now was as good a time as any to bite the bullet. [color=gold]"How about that dream, huh?"[/color] "... What dream?" Samson leaned back, and gave Dexter an incredulous look. Not like he had no idea what he was talking about, more about being suspicious.... Dexter winced a little. Okay, maybe not everyone had the same dream, but thusfar everyone who had this glow to them had abilities. Was worth a shot. [color=gold]"I know this may sound really weird to you but..."[/color] Dexter started off, trying to find the words to continue his sentence. [color=gold]"Ever since the mill, a few people have been experiencing things. I can just... tell who has and who hasn't."[/color] He understood it was a pretty weak explanation, but it was all he had for the time being. At least, not without blowing his cover. He looked to his left and right, as if to check if someone was watching, and very quickly demonstrated the dull glow from within his palm that he was capable of creating. Without another thought, Samson put the coffee tray down, raised his hand, and snapped his fingers. His thumb was alit with a small white flame, casting a white glow on his face. "... Could you, by chance see this...?" Samson asked. Dexter watched the the fire for a moment and grinned. He had found another one of... whatever they were. [color=gold]"I cant tell what ability you have, I can just... see that you have one. One of my friends creates a black hole. A girl we helped healed her leg really fast. It was..."[/color] he trailed off, making a connection between Samson's fire based ability and how the lumber mill caught fire. [color=gold]"You weren't at the lumber mill when.. [i]it[/i] happened, were you?"[/color] Samson looked down for a moment, before flatly saying, "... Yeah." He sighed as he probably attributed to the death count... or the amount of people that had to be hospitalized due to smoke inhalation. "... When that bastard came at me... it just happened..." He put his hands in his pockets, banishing the flames. "... I just see fire coming out of my hands, and burning him to a crisp... I didn't know what happened." Dexter sighed, and stuffed his hands in his pockets. [color=gold]"I dont know about any of that, but you helped saved all three of our lives. Ryu and I and the girl we helped. I don't want to think about what would've happened if my mom had lost me too. So... thanks, I guess. It made a difference. At least to me."[/color] Samson didn't know what to say. He wasn't even trying, but he somehow saved these people? People he barely knew as is. Yet, he felt inspired that he saved people... even accidentally. "You're welcome." Samson said, but a question crossed his mind. He quickly crossed his arms as he asked, "But, wait," He started off, "You're saying that there's [i]more[/i] people out there with these weird...?" He trailed off. He pulled his hands out of his pockets, and materialized the white flames in both of his palms, "... Hell, I don't even want to call them superpowers." He said. "And... not just that..." He turned around, looking back at Claire through the wall. "I can see a fire in people... I thought it was passion, but after running into that roid munchin' asshole... it's anger." Dexter shifted uncomfortably, but decided that at this point, he was in deep enough that he might as well try making a friend out of it. [color=gold]"I'm not one for god and heaven, but if we hadn't gotten my ability when we did, or Ryu's or Madeline's, we'd probably all be dead. I like to think of them as gifts."[/color] Dex crossed his arms and looked at the ground. [color=gold]"Am trying my best to find some silver lining in all of this."[/color] Dexter was quiet for a moment, trying to understand Samson's sensory ability. It was different than his own, but it was still there. He followed Samson's gaze into the cafe and saw that he was looking at Claire, a person who had no glow associated with her. What Samson said made sense, Dexter wasn't stupid, knew that Claire was... upset. He didn't know any details, but people didn't rebel like she did without reason. [color=gold]"So you can see people who are angry, and you have fire abilities..."[/color] Dexter trailed off. [color=gold]"...And I have light based abilities and I can sense others like you and I."[/color] There was a pause between the two of them. [color=gold]"I know this may sound weird but, do you maybe want to practice sometime? I can bring Ryu and have him show you his... power-thing."[/color] Dexter internally cringed. It felt like he was asking someone on a date. "... Sounds like you're asking me on a date!" Samson playfully teased. Dexter visually cringed. God damnit. [color=gold]"Are you able to read minds too because I just thought that same thing."[/color] Samson will remember this. "Maybe." He said. "But, that ain't important," Samson was open to training, but he felt that there was something wrong here. People just don't get superpowers when some kid snaps and goes on a axe rampage. "We still have to keep our eyes open... Scott's still out there." Dexter shifted uneasily at the prospect. [color=gold]"I hit him with a shovel..."[/color] he said, giving Samson a shy grin. [color=gold]"At this point I want to be able to hit him with something more effective if he does."[/color] "A bigger shovel?" Samson snarked. Dexter laughed. Samson was beginning to question why Dexter ran so hot. [color=gold]"At this point, I think if we're going to find out anymore about [i]this[/i], it'll be by figuring out what we can do. Who knows, maybe we could end up being some small town heros."[/color] "Agreed," Samson said. "Guess you got ol' me on board with your little Avengers Initiative." Samson laughed again. "But, speaking of figuring out more about powers..." Samson trailed off, as he set his hand on fire again. "I hit Hagan with some of this, and he, for once in his life, stopped acting like such a dick... but it didn't burn him. I'm trying to see what else it does... like, y'know, long term shit?" Dexter was... interested in the prospect of Samson's discovery. His fire didn't burn Hagan? That's new. Dexter looked down to his hand and licked his lips. Now or never. He stuck his hand directly above the fire Samson had created. It was definitely hot, it almost felt like he was sticking a his hand in boiling water like he did when he was seven. But just like Samson said, it didn't [i]burn[/i] him. Dexter pulled his hand back. It had only been a few seconds but his hand was red and inflamed, as if someone had stepped on it. While the fire was not like normal fire, it was still not to be messed with. He shook it a few times, swearing under his breath and stuffed his slightly injured hand in his pocket. [color=gold]"I can..."[/color] Dexter began, finding himself at a sudden loss for words. He shook himself, and continued. [color=gold]"I can... can basically flash-bang people, and create light. I, uh, I found out this morning that I can turn off my bathroom light without touching the switch. Dont know how to do that on purpose yet. Ended up flash-banging myself. It was, ah, it was great."[/color] Dexter explained. He was stuttering some. [color=gold]"I visit the mountain every evening. These abilities seem to act a little different there."[/color] He pulled his hand out of his pocket and shook it again. [color=gold]"That fire of yours is... weird. It felt like sticking my hand in boiling water. I did that when I was younger but I don't remember how long ago."[/color] "The mountain?" Samson asked Dexter. "Like how different?" He was genuinely curious about that. "I'm just trying to figure out why it doesn't burn people anymore? Was it like a one time thing?" Dexter rubbed his head, fighting the sudden onset of a headache. [color=gold]"Uh, yeah. I just... I felt different. It's where I learned how to do this glow thingy."[/color] he said, raising his now glowing hands as if to attest to it. He threw his hand in the direction of the mountain, as if to point towards it, and from the tip of his index finger a thin, soundless beam of light fired out. The air around it waved with the heat, and it dissipated after only a few feet. Dexter brought his hand back in front of him. It was daytime, so the flash wouldn't have been very noticeable, but that had still just happened. [color=gold]"Well, that's new."[/color] Dex stated, dumbly. [color=gold]"I hope no one saw that."[/color] "Nope," Samson said. "Didn't see a thing, Dex." At this point, Claire came walking up to them with her hands in her pockets, and a incredulous look on her face as she looked at theirs... they looked like a pair of morons. But, right now, she had bigger things to worry about. Like convincing Dex to help Britney... though, she didn't want Samson involved in this. There was a matter she had to discuss between Dexter and herself, but yet she couldn't help but ask. "Hey, I got a question for you two," Claire said as she reached into her pocket and pulled out the photo of the missing girl. "Have either of you seen this girl?" Samson looked at the photo for a minute before replying, "Never seen her before in my life," He flatly said, before playfully adding on, "I'd like to, though. She's kind of cute." Dexter took his phone out, and shot Claire a text. [b][center][quote][b]To:[/b] Confused Penis [code]Samson is like me.[/code] [/quote][/center] [/b] Claire read the text, and looked up at Samson, then nodded at Dexter as she got the point. Dexter looked up from his phone and took a moment to examine the photograph. [color=gold]"That's..."[/color] Dexter trailed off, as if his brain was still somewhat slowed for some reason. [color=gold]"That's, uh, that's Britney's cousin, right?"[/color] "Yeah." Claire answered, and Samson crossed his arms. He didn't mess with Britney only because of a few nasty incidents with her, but he listened. Britney and Dexter had been friends for a little while now. When his dad had gotten into the accident, Britney's family had helped shoulder the financial burden of hospital bills before he passed away. While their family had never requested any form of repayment, Dexter and his mother often had the the William's family over and vise-versa for Thanksgiving. The two had often spent holidays together, and Dexter had become fairly familiar with most of her family. Cindy was missing? Dexter thought back to the lumber mill and winced at the thought. He doubted Cindy would've been there. With all the strange events happening in this town, he couldn't let himself think the worst. [color=gold]"That's Cindy, right? How- how long has she been missing?"[/color] Claire raised an eyebrow as Dexter demonstrated how much he knew. Good. This will go a lot easier than she thought. "According to Brit she went missing a few days ago - which is a bit vague, but I assume like... within the week?" She shrugged as she realized she should had grilled more out of the Williams girl "But, I think we should look into this," Claire said, "Miss Williams left a little hint that she may know a little more about this little 'new development' than she let on." [color=gold]"She's in the cafe isn't she?"[/color] "Yeah." [color=gold]"Should I go in and talk to her?"[/color] "Well..." Claire shrugged. "You'll probably get more answers out of her than I would." "Wait," Samson halted them before they could go any further. He crossed his arms as he sternly asked, "What are you two talking about?" "I'm just gonna cut the crap, Sammie," Claire looked at him, before she just bluntly said, "You have a gift like Dexter, and don't worry, hun. Your secret is safe with me." Samson was taken aback for a moment, but he... trusted Claire. He looked at Dexter, who was doing some stupid gun fingers thing at them both, and decided that he also trusted Dexter. It was good to know he had another ally in all of this. He uncrossed his arms, and asked, "Well," Samson asked. "I trust you... but, next time Dex, please tell me before you tell other people." Dexter shook his head. [color=gold]"Didn't want to freak you out. Wont happen again."[/color] "But, don't worry about it," Samson replied with a smile. "But, yeah... I think if you can, go talk to her. I need to go back and check on Hagan... who's probably pissed right now." He grabbed his tray of coffee. "I'll keep in touch with both of you... and you two do the same." Claire nodded her head. Dexter gave him the thumbs up. Though, as Samson walked off, Claire wondered what exactly she should do... there was still a bit about Samson's ability she wanted to know, and on the same note, she wanted to get more information about Britney. "I'm going with Samson," Claire said to Dexter, "No offense, but I want to get more ground about this power thing, and I think stickin' around the cafe will tip Brit off to something...." She trailed off as she took a few steps, before she stopped and looked over her shoulder, "Just be careful, Dex." Dexter nodded, and locked his car and heading towards the cafe. He heard Claire's comment and turned around to walk backwards. He waved. [color=gold]"Always, see you soon, guys."[/color]