[h2]Anubis~Alec[/h2] [hider=Anubis] Name:Anubis Code name: none Avatars: Alec and black jackal Age: Anubis' current avatar looks around 23 Looks: Human: prince of Persia. Deep black hair with striking blue eyes, tan skin, well built, stands at 6 feet. Jackal: a black jackal with a gold earring, gold collar, pupiless blue eyes, golden paw pads and what appears to be golden eye liner. True self: stands at roughly 8 feet.Looks something like this: [hider] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/1cd4/i/2004/221/0/4/anubis_lord.jpg[/img] [/hider] Abilities: -Death touch: has to touch in order to work. Kills mortals and plant life, weakens supernaturals, and dulls a gods senses. -Statue control: any creation of his liking he can bring to life and control. This includes busts...but those aren't very useful. He can see through them, but is completly vulnerable whilst doing so. -Judgement: Anubis can see the soul of individuals and judge them. He is also capable of showing the individual the errors of their ways. Often mortals do not handle this well...most do not survive the experience. Those who make it often will change their ways considering that after being judged by Anubis he is the one that leads the dead to their destination. If going to a good place it is a peaceful journey...those who are bad...usually get dragged to his realm since he is the one who passed judgment. Bio: Anubis is the Egyptian God of death. It is said when one dies and goes to that realm Anubis is the one to greet them and help weigh their heart. Once judgement has been passed Anubis is the one to guide them to their next location...bad or good. Every few centuries Anubis comes to earth to watch the mortals since he cares for them so. Every time he surfaces he develops two avatars..a jackal and a human...and has three powers. During this time he is not allowed back to the underworld...a sort of forced vacation. The time period usually lasts quite a long time to humans...but to him it's a small amount of time. He is usually neutral, sinply observing the human race...however occasionally he is known to intervene if too many humans are threatened. Personality: Anubis is rather serious with very little in the way of a sense of humor. He is not known for jokes and when he makes one it's almost shocking. Other: he loves black coffee. His blood is of what looks like liquid gold. It is not. It is also said to have healing properties...but this could be a rumor. [/hider]