[h2]Envy[/h2] [hider=envy] Name: Envy Gender: Male Species: Dragon Age: Hatchling Appearance: [url=http://img04.deviantart.net/491e/i/2013/226/6/1/envy_by_sharpie91-d324ceo.jpg]Click me[/url] About the size of a cat with likely hood of only reaching about the size of a fox. His claws are black While his wings are small, he is capable of flight. He hops much like a kangaroo due to larger hind legs and smaller front legs. (Better reference would be a rabbit..because he is small) Personality: While this dragon looks adorable, there is actually a scheming intelligent mind in that skull. What this one lacks in size he makes up with in brains. Being small and adorable means he has an advantage getting around and dealing with humans. Unlike other dragons, he does not feel the need to horde anything. And, while capable of speaking, often does not when first meeting. Rather, he chirps and makes other various noises considered 'cute'. Bio: Envy was born alone, his egg abandoned. He did not dwell on this and has decided that he needs to make the best of his situation. Power 1: -Toxic/venom/acid manipulation: Envy is capable of being venomous. This is like a snake, however he can control when he wants to be venomous or not. His claws and blood are poisonous, allowing for him to be unlikely to be eaten any time soon. Might be why he's green. Basically, eating him or being bitten when he is upset is bad for one's health. Instead of breathing fire he spits acid. Think dilophosaurus. Family: Unknown Friends: None yet. Sentimental Attachment: none yet Other: He is really really soft. Cloud level soft. Envy is one who is hard to get to trust, but once he does trust you he is a loyal friend. His teeth are really sharp and he seems to eat his weight in meat. His voice sounds like the cat (salem) in sabrina the teenage witch. [/hider]