[h2]Abel[/h2] [hider=Abel] Name: Abel Age: looks 21 but is older looks: Stands at about 6 foot 1 with a muscular build brown hair with what appears to be spots in his hair cobalt blue eyes and is found wearing jeans a t shirt cowboy boots and a cowboy hat along with a southern accent that tends to make an appearance when he is upset. He also has a tribal snow leopard tattoo in between his shoulder blades. Species: were snow leopard... adorable yet large and deadly Images: Self:[url=https://hotmuscleboys.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/cowboy058.jpg]Click me[/url] Snow leopard:http://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M3e1823d9ca0d5c1c56ce77b5f4e0c55do0&pid=15.1 Tattoo: http://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Me41719704b73ee0d67655cb976d4f9c8H0&pid=15.1 Sexual preference: Bi sexual Bio: A simple past where he was born and raised in Texas on a ranch however when he began realizing he was different he found out that a "gift" skipped his parents and passed on to him. He was fine with this until his grandparents died and was left with no one that really understood what he was going through. On top of that he was bullied in school for being Bi and when his parents finally found out about him they isolated him causing him to clam up. He no longer talks with his parents and misses the days before they knew. Generally he wanders preferring to hang out in bars and libraries having enough fortune from his grandparents to hold him down until he is well dead.. He does odd jobs though.. generally involving being a body guard or helping out for volunteer jobs. Occupation: odd jobs volunteer work Country of origin: America (Texas specifically) Feelings about the tattoo: extremely nervous that the person he ends up with won't accept him... or that they will be disgusted generally fears about loosing that person persona: he hates being called queer... that has him flash back to school when he was bullied for it.. other then that he's a bit guarded not really letting anyone "in" until he knows them better. Dislikes: Being called queer.. talking about his past... seeing people get bullied likes: cat nip sun spots being treated well and having someone to treat well in return Soulmate: Manu [/hider]