[center][h2]Tommy Johnson|Enroute to the Atana Mountains[/h2][/center] As the sun began to set, Tommy and his team of Pokemon sat around a small firepit at a camp that they'd finished setting up a few hours before. Atana was in sight, a day's walk at most, so the aspiring Pokeleague Champion had decided to rest up before continuing. The incubator sat nearby as he and his team ate their food, the Pokemon chatting amongst themselves as Tommy thought out their training schedule for the mountains. There were still some type disadvantages that had to be addressed, such as Epsilon's weakness to Ice types, but overall, the team was strong. Amica, after a few minutes of chatting, came over to her partner and sat next to him as he thought, silence reigning between the two for a few minutes before she spoke. [color=SteelBlue]"Froak, Froakie, Froak?"[/color] Tommy glanced at her and smiled, patting her head and giving her a bite of his roll. He knew she was concerned for him and had been since that battle with the guy bothering Entei, but he was getting better. [color=Teal][i]In fact, I should probably call Cici here soon, make sure she reached Stella-[/i][/color] His train of thought is derailed by a cracking sound coming from his incubator and Tommy looks at in surprise, as does his team. In fact, Beta falls off his log seat in surprise at the sound. [color=Teal]"Already? Wow that was fa-"[/color] He is once more cut off as the egg shatters to reveal a newborn Axew, who immediately looks around in confusion as the lid pops open to allow it out. Sharktooth races over to her fellow dragon-type and leads it to Tommy. After saying something to Amica, Amica points at herself and then the Axew. After a moment of confusion, it clicks. [color=Teal]"OH! It's a girl! Alright then. How about...Xena?"[/color] The Axew contents itself to curl up next to Tommy and closing it's eyes and Sharktooth gives her trainer an approving nod before returning to her food while Beta grumbles in annoyance at being surprised. Tommy simply smiles and taps Xena with a pokeball, which instantly confirms itself as hers. [color=Teal]"Welcome to the team, Xena. Get some rest."[/color] It was a few minutes later, after things had settled down and Amica had taken a medatative pose, that the second surprise hit the camp. It started with a soft glow that surrounded Amica shortly before, as her trainer began to ask if she was OK, enveloped her. Tommy stared, dumbfounded, before the glow faded and, where a Froakie had sat a moment before, was now a Frogadier, who simply glanced down at herself before resuming her meditation. Tommy could only grin in pride, because now he knew that he was on his way to getting stronger. [hr] [hider=Notes] Tommy: TP: 136+5=141 CP: 50+1=51 Pokemon: [color=SteelBlue]Froakie: Amica, Female-level 18+3=21[/color] [color=DarkGreen]Bulbasaur: Epsilon, Male-level 16+3=19[/color] [color=SaddleBrown]Eevee: Beta, Male-Level 10+3=13[/color] [color=DeepPink]Ralts: Jerus, Male-Level 14+3=17[/color] [color=GoldenRod]Gible: Sharktooth, Female-Level 10+3=13[/color] [color=B95C0E]Axew: Xena, Female-Level 1+3=4[/color] Inventory: 3/10 Poke Ball x3 [/hider]