[quote=@Dutchess Sarah] [@Lionhearted] [@HushedWhispers] I updated Lizzie's character sheet. Let me know...? [/quote] Looks much better! You may place her in the Characters Tab! Just a note: Her ability to make people forget her existence or to manipulate their memories to forget her, or events, in which she's involved in will be most successful on regular humans. As for other supernaturals, as well as hunters, this compel ability will be much more difficult to perform since it is a pretty strong skill. [hr] [center][h3][b]DISCUSSION[/b][/h3][/center] Alrighty~! I'm loving all the introduction posts and I'm thinking about moving forward with the roleplay either tonight or tomorrow to begin a new round of posting, BUT I do want to discuss a topic that was brought up before. The question being: [b]How powerful is a werewolf/vampire's regeneration?[/b] I've read sources that werewolves can regenerate, at least, 10x faster than the rate of a human can, with minimal to no scarring. For vampires, I'm assuming that it's going to be much weaker than a werewolf's, but through the process of feeding, it can speed up. I'm curious to see if anybody is okay with this idea or has any input! More questions: [b]Can a vampire resistant another vampire's compel? How much can a supernatural resist the vampire's compel?[/b] I've spoke to my co-gm's and we've come to the conclusion that physical fortitude would not be a major factor when it comes to resistance, but moreover, the willpower of the individual being compelled will be the leading factor. Those that know vampires and know the supernatural realm will understand the compel of a vampire. I do want to allow the supernatural races to have a natural resistance to the ability, but I don't want to completely under-power hunters, though they will always be at a disadvantage when it comes to their lack of racial abilities.