As Maxim enters the room, he realizes that he never got the name of the "Actis Girl". So, he though for a while about the name. [i][b]...Hmmmm...well, if they didn't give me a name, I guess I'll have to name her. How about...Sunaipā? Yeah. I like it. But, I'll shorten it to Sun, less of a mouthful... [/b][/i] Finally, He sits down and reads the Dossier, just as instructed. Once he finished and looked at Sunaipā. [i][b]...So, for the sound of it, I'm a babysitter for a really powerful girl that is half my age. Great... Well, let's hope she doesn't cause too much trouble...who knows, maybe I'll enjoy this. And NOT in that way..."[/b][/i] He thought. But, kept it to himself. He removed the blindfold, showing her adorable face with her glossy blue eyes. However, sadly, her eyes looked empty, which kinda worried Maxim. Nevertheless, he decided to introduce himself. [i][b]"Hello Sunaipā are OK with Sun? My name is Maxim. I'll be your handler. I want you to know that I will not be very strict to you, but, please take into consideration anything that I say. I will be training you with the skills I know. Also, I want you to have a free mind. If you have something to say, don't be afraid to say it. As your handler, I want to make sure that you have a voice in discussions and not being left out, like a robot. Are you OK with this Sun?" [/b][/i] He eagerly, yet worryingly, waited for a response. [b][i]"Yes Sir, you can call me Sun. In fact, I rather like this name. It kinda reminds me of the Sun but is said in the way of an old tongue (Japanese). And my full name Sunaipā...doesn't that translate to Sniper?[/i][/b] He couldn't believe how beautiful her voice sounded. He thought that she would sound like a lifeless robot but rather, she sounds like an angel. [b][i]"Why yes Sun, that is correct. I chose it as a name because I thought it sounded nice and was fitting for what we will be doing. We will be the snipers for our team when time calls for it."[/i][/b] [i][b]"Snipers...?"[/b][/i] Sun asked. [i][b]"Aren't those the people who sit back far away from the fighting and shoot from a distance?"[/b][/i] [b][i]"Yes Sun, that's right. We sit back from the battle, sometimes, and watch out for out friends who are fighting in the battle. But, the rifles we fire have a lot of recoil. So, I made sure that your rifle doesn't kick hard. That way, you can shot it without it hurting you."[/i][/b] [b][i]"OK. I like that. The recoil of the rifle isn't a problem but, there is one thing I have a problem with. I have a hard time being close to the battle. Even though I shouldn't, it scares me a little. Like, I can fight and do what you ask me to but, when we're done fighting, I start to feel scared. I have a hard time looking at the bodies and the large amounts of blood."[/i][/b] Maxim was intrigued, seeing how he though the system would wipe her of emotions but, he guessed wrong. [b][i]"It's OK. That's fine. Personally, I prefer sniping too. It's much quieter and less dangerous. So, shall we go get your gear and train?"[/i][/b] Sun quietly nodded. Maxim outreached his hand and in return, Sun put her hand in his and flinched back realizing it wan't real. It was cold and metal. But, she put her hand back into his as he escorted her to her gear and the range for practice.