[quote=@DarkwolfX37] Sonic. You know I love you. And I know puberty is a hard time. You've been 16 for a while now, so it makes sense that you're having a bit of trouble in life. But this shit *points at Forces* isn't gonna fly. You had ONE chance to make up for every single bad game with your name on it all at once and you BLEW IT. Look, I know games are hard to make, and you've been trying so hard, but c'mon you've got the Boom games to let out all your shitty ideas with. Maybe you just need a break, yeah? Take a nice, relaxing break, maybe visit a far off tourist destination, go on a trip... You could go all over in a really long, relaxing trip! It could be like the odyssey! You could have your own odyssey! Like FUCKING MARIO ODYSSEY, A GOOD GOD DAMN GAME THAT DELIVERED ON ITS HYPE I'm sorry I shouldn't yell at you. Sonic I love you but I can't, TAKE THIS shit. Take a break, get yourself together, maybe let Shadow have another game or let Tails have one while you relax, cause if you do this again I'mma kill your fucking parents. [/quote] ...what's the paragraph for? (Besides the fact that sonic forces presents itself as more of a story than a game even though it's supposed to be a game.)