[@Stuzzie] Tell me if this guy is too strong. [hider=Suliss the Thief] Name: Suliss the Thief Age: Unknown Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Race: Usually human Alignment: Evil [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/40/2c/fa/402cfa1e17d326dd7a5ea189d1c18be6.jpg[/img] [b][color=ed1c24]Appearance-[/color][/b] He could be anyone. [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/f/f9/Cloaked_figure.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150708164105[/img] [color=ed1c24]*Equipment:[/color] Naught but a mere dagger with a seven inch blade. [img]http://arkhamantiquities.com/Mythos_Hunters_Dagger_II_by_vonmeer.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24][b]Abilities-[/b][/color] Suliss is a powerful sorcerer with access to many forbidden magics. He is currently in the body of an average joe, and as such from a physical standpoint is completely normal. His body right now is around twenty-five years of age, can bench press 175 pounds, and can run 15 miles per hour. [color=fff200]*Body Steal:[/color] Suliss has the power to change bodies with his victims by unleashing the appropriate spell whilst in physical contact with them. This works even if they wear clothing, armor, or other forms of mobile protection, so long as they can feel the pressure of his direct contact, or he can feel the pressure of their physical contact, or if he's in contact with any living tissues on their main person. To ready the spell, he must recite the following incantation. Once he has recited it, he can activate the spell a single time at will within the next ten minutes. The incantation can work even if he only mouths the words. [i][color=fff200]"Thig Mòr Athair! Thoir dhomh an fheoil mo nàmhaid. Airson tròcair m 'anam. Airson a 'phuing mo bhàis. Eisdibh rium -mach à bho mo dhìteadh guth. Bidh mi a ' lùbadh fheòil a thoil, Mòr Athair! Bidh mi a ' lùbadh fheòil a thoil, Mòr Athair! Bidh mi a ' lùbadh fheòil a thoil, Mòr Athair! Dòcha chaillte n-anaman a ghabhail gus ur shuthain uaimh! Bidh mi a ' lùbadh fheòil a thoil, Mòr Athair! Bidh mi a ' lùbadh fheòil a thoil, Mòr Athair! Bidh mi a ' lùbadh fheòil a thoil, Mòr Athair!"[/color][/i] When he switches bodies, he gains unrestricted access to all of his victim's powers with a full knowledge of their abilities and skills. Suliss must repeat the entire chant to complete the change, and has to start over from the beginning if he loses contact with the opponent. If he is interrupted from speaking, he can pick up where he left off, so punching him in the mouth wouldn't force him to start over. If new forms allow him to speak faster, then he may complete the ritual all the more quickly. Currently, it takes him twenty seconds to finish. [color=fff200]*Siphon:[/color] Suliss can emit a spell that steals a lifeform's energy and transfers it to himself. The converted energy can be used to increase his own strength or allow him to immediately cast a spell with equivalent or less power than was gained. He slowly loses the power over time unless he switches into a new body more powerful than his own, in which case he can keep all of the power he stole. He loses all power gained after exactly one hour. It currently takes him two seconds to charge a weak Siphon spell which travels at 329 fps and steals 5% of an opponent's vitality, thus creating a 10% gap in strength. Every two seconds the spell is charged tacks on another 5% drain, and with a fifty second charge he can entirely drain a victim. If he makes physical contact with an opponent whilst Siphon is charging, he can continually drain 5% from them every two seconds. He can dual cast this spell with both hands to steal 5% per second, or half the charge time of the max power Siphon. If he switches bodies with a Siphoned opponent, he loses no strength and the opponent gains nothing. This spell creates a thick, sickly yellow haze around his hands. [color=fff200]*Wrack:[/color] This spell functions with the same power charge as Siphon, except instead of stealing strength, it inflicts enormous agony. The more time Wrack is charged, the more intense the pain is and the longer it lasts. The pain lasts for half as long as the spell is charged. A two second Wrack spell will make one's body feel as if it were beset on all sides by needles covered in salt and vinegar. At half power the body feels like a giant testicle that has just been crushed flat by a hot waffle iron. At full power the victim feels all the agonies of ultimate hell, and unless they have some ability that renders them immune to pain or their body functions differently from other biological life forms, they will typically die instantly from shock. Wrack manifests as crackling maroon energy winding about Suliss's mitts like snakes. [color=fff200]*FoulFire:[/color] A form of fire magic that, instead of burning the flesh, slowly flays and peels it apart like a cheese grater on a banana skin. It functions with the two second charge of course, with a weak spell being painful but almost negligible, and a max power Foulfire able to slowly and irrevocably entirely separate an entity's tissues from its skeleton. Usually a direct hit from a half charged Foulfire is enough to send a human into shock and kill them from blood loss. When charging this attack, his fingertips are set alight with dripping green flames. [color=fff200]*Chain:[/color] By charging a spell for an extra five seconds, Suliss can make the attack bounce from target to target without losing momentum. With this versatile trick, he can pinball an attack throughout an entire army. Each target must be within 100 yards of the next to get hit. Suliss can steal mass amounts of power in populated areas this way. [color=fff200]*Asylum:[/color] This spell can only be used after a full minute of one-handed charging, or thirty seconds with both hands occupied. It creates a magical barrier ten yards across, a perfect black orb that lets nothing in or out, lasting for twenty seconds. Whilst in the orb Suliss can /instantly/ charge his magic, allowing him to spam spells as fast as he can think them. Needless to say, getting caught in it is undesirable. No spells can be fired past the confines of the orb. [color=fff200]*Mix-Ups:[/color] Suliss can use his dual casting ability to mix and intertwine his magics to create new spell combinations, such as WrackFire, Siphoning Flames, and LeechWrack. His ultimate attack is to combine all three spells by using his mouth as a third conduit to charge another spell, though this greatly taxes his stamina and leaves him too weak to walk afterwards. The result is LitchFire, a flamethrower-like assault that can continue shoot forth and burn for as long as it can Siphon energy from a victim. Its heat depends on the victim's durability, as the Siphon will continuously fuel the power of the fire with the target's own life force. If set on fire, the only way to put out the flame is to remove whatever part of the body the fire is feeding on. Like all of the other spells, LitchFire follows the two second charge rule. The speed of the spells and the charge rate may change if Suliss harnesses bodies with greater reserves of life force. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/58/ce/42/58ce421763571dd1946c182974e8d021.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24]Personality-[/color] Suliss is a cruel and conniving villain that desires only power. He enjoys dominating others more than life itself. Throughout his countless ages of switching bodies, his own personal identity has dissolved save for his core desires and ambitions, turning him into a sadistic machine-like creature with no set body. He has no quirks, no little likes or dislikes, nothing like that. He relentlessly pursues power without rest, and that is all. [color=ed1c24]History-[/color] It is not known for how long Suliss has lived. He himself doesn't know. It is not known from whence he came, or where he is going. All that is known, to a select few who know more than they wish they did, that up until a few days ago, Suliss had been imprisoned beneath the ground in the skeletal corpse of a dead woman, having been buried alive many years ago. Grave diggers. Idiots. They went and took Suliss out from his prison, and in return he freed them from their bodies. Again now he resumes his quest to attain ultimate power, and to gain dominion over all existence by working his way up the chain of command until he can inhabit the greatest form of all. In truth, however, Suliss was the grandson of a powerful sorcerer once feared throughout many realms, a wicked man known as Count Malimore Maclung. Malimore exercised all kinds of foul black magicks, many of which may not be spoken of in polite society. He trained a then young Suliss Maclung in the dark arts, but then and without warning, Malimore vanished. At the time, some said he achieved such power that he ascended into some other morbid existence. Others claimed that his grandson slew him and hid the body. Whatever the case, Suliss is no longer a Maclung. He left that life behind long, long ago. [color=ed1c24]Theme Music-[/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5TnPjOd_To[/youtube] [/hider]