Well, I don't know anything about faith, but my characters sure do. [quote=fantasy protagonist who refuses to die]Diya kept her mouth shut and exhaled. “Between you and me, my lady,” she said, “baptism was a very cheap way to keep my head from the fire.” She raised a hand and pulled a chain from her chest. Silver, with a small cross. “God has his uses.” Salma leaned in. “That’s a dagger.” “Yes, it is.” “Is it poisoned?” “Of course.” [/quote] [quote=the narrator protagonist]I feel the need to clarify that the Sticky Jesus worshipped in Mortasheen is entirely unrelated to the Christ Jesus of Earth. Jesus of Nazareth was a heretical blood wizard who ascended to godhood after being executed for insurrection, and used his power to posthumously drag his hippie followers into a utopian parallel universe upon death. Jesus of Sticky, on the other hand, is widely thought to be nothing more than slime propaganda.[/quote]