[center][hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/86/91/3b/86913b9dacdde373cca5e4ec89c83b68--dance-costumes-the--clexa.jpg[/img] [hr] [b]Full Name:[/b] Saeras Greywulf [b]Nickname:[/b] (None) [b]Age:[/b] 25 Winters Old [b]Height:[/b] 5'4" [b]Weight:[/b] 142 lbs [b]Hair Color and Style:[/b] Long, braided brown hair [b]Other Appearance Traits:[/b] Saeras is of average shape and breast size with a slight hourglass curve to her figure. Her crystaline eyes are accented by her dark war paint on her face, as is customary in her village when a child comes of age to be a hunter. She has two claw marks on her left cheek from where a bear had attacked her while she was hunting and another on her thigh from when she fell from a cliff and skewered her leg on a sharp branch. Saeras wears little to no armor either, as she prefers mobility over protection. If she must, she wears a cuirass made of boiled, hardened leather and fur, fur lined leather armbands and greaves to protect her shins. All this is usually worn over a hooded forest green tunic with a dark brown long sleeved shirt and leggings underneath. [hr] [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] -[b]Maksmanship:[/b] Years of hunting and defending her village from hostile tribes has made Saeras into an efficient and deadly archer. She could pin a bird by its wing from yards away, but that's not to say sometimes she does miss her mark. Even so, she has the eyes of an eagle and can swiftly deliver an arrow down range. -[b]Stealth:[/b] When hunting their prey, one must be as the predator. Saeras has learned over the years to move quietly and to be unseen. She is proficient in stalking her prey and using both shadow and natural foliage to her advantage. These skills also came in handy for ambushing enemies in the forest. -[b]Tracking:[/b] As any hunter, Saeras can track her prey easily by any sign they leave, whether it be footprints, broken branches, sound, smell, etc. [b]Disabilities:[/b] -[b]Uneducated:[/b] Growing up solely among her tribe, Saeras does not speak nor understand any other language than her own. She also cannot read or write. -[b]Unprotected:[/b] Wearing virtually no armor at all means she is more vulnerable to any attack. Hence she prefers to take enemies by surprise than face them head on. [hr] [b]Hobbies:[/b] -[b]Cooking:[/b] Well you can't just eat venison raw. Saeras will admit it is more out of survival than recreation, but she does enjoy it. The smell of roasted venison and vegetables simmering in a hearty pot of stew warms her soul and brings her solace when she is troubled. -[b]Music:[/b] On nights when she was alone in the forest, her ocarina kept her company. She would play a tune upon it to keep her mind at ease and not go crazy from either the frigid cold or the lack of human companionship, as hunting tended to take her miles away from her home. [hr] [b]History:[/b] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OEE5NYn6GyI Saeras hails from the far north from a tribe of hunters and gatherers who lived in the snowy pine forests. Her mother was frail and weak when she gave birth. It was no surprise to any she would die. Her father was left then to raise her. One of the village's hunters, he trained his daughter in the ways of the predator. He taught her how to draw a bow and make every arrow count and how to stalk her prey and become a ghost in the wild. He was a harsh but fair teacher, and under his wing Saeras grew to be a hunter herself. Life was hard in the north. Food was often scarce, and if the bitter cold or hungry predators didn't kill you, the other tribes would. Saeras' tribe had been involved in many bloody conflicts over the years. The surrounding tribes often attacked them, trying to wrestle their territory. By her early teens, Saeras had killed both man and beast. She was not adept in the way of sword or axe as her other tribesmen, but her bow saved her life countless times on the battlefields of bloodstained snow, as did her knowledge of camouflage. A few winters had passed, taking her father along with them. Years of conflict and bloodshed had left its mark on her people. Slowly, her tribe was dying. It seemed each day that passed, a loved one had to be buried. The constant warfare had driven away the animals of the forest, their only source of food during the hard snowy season, and left the trees barren of their ripened fruits. Saeras knew these were the end days of her tribe, and rather than endure the pain of seeing her people wither away...she simply left...with hopes of one day bringing an end to her people's suffering. Years went on. She had traveled the land far and wide, with only her bow and her ocarina. She had seen how other people had prospered and were fruitful. In short, it made her envious and mournful of her tribe's stubborn will. She knew they would refuse to move. It was the land of their ancestors, the forest and the mountains, but the land was barren now and gave nothing to them. It was upon standing on a hill overlooking a flourishing hamlet...that Saeras wept. She wept for her people, who she knew when she returned...would no longer be there... It was not the cold nor the starving that brought them to an end...but their own foolishness. There was no point in returning, and so, she tarried down the hill and began life anew.[/center]