More than likely there was no EMP blast associated with the impacts. The asteroids' energy was kinetic, whereas a nuclear blast is radiological; the source of the Electro Magnetic Pulse. This means, electronic devices, not destroyed by the impacts would remain functioning properly. Vehicles and radios should work fine. That is not to say, if our characters took a vehicle from Grand Junction, KS to CS, CO that they might encounter an impact. The thing that always attracts me to the Colorado Springs, CO area is NORAD mountain (North American Air Defense Station). This is a cave built into the side of Cheyenne Mountain. More than likely it was overrun by darkseekers because it can be very dark; a perfect settlement for the mutants. As far as the 10 years elapse of time, I am thinking of how the world evolved in The Walking Dead. Not only does our group of survivors have to contend with Darkseekers, they also have deal with other survivor groups. Let's see what we can come up with there.