[hider=Jasper Smith] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/176/a/d/makise_kurisu_by_makisekurisu-d3jy0u1.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Jasper Smith [b]Superhero Name:[/b] [b]Age: [/b]15 [b]D.O.B:[/b] December 26 [b]Weight:[/b] 115 Lbs [b]Height:[/b] 5'1 [b]Personality:[/b] Thanks to the amount of time Jasper spent in a wheelchair, as well as a curious mind that won't stop till it comes to a conclusion, she's come to conclusions on the variety of some of life's biggest questions. That's not to say she's absolutely set on her positions as she'll change them with a good enough argument, but she's confident to the point many would consider bordering on obnoxious. She's an avowed atheist, an opponent of relativism in all its form, and a firm believer in determinism. Though, in her defense, she's not as brash on her stances as one would believe as she's learned to chose her battles. Jasper, unlike other members of the UA class doesn't see heroing as a goal in itself, but an ideal stepping stone to a career in politics from which she feels would better allow her to make changes for the positive. Also thanks to a life that was spent indoors thanks to her condition, Jasper is nearly fanatical when it comes to fiction, loving scy/fy and horror the most. She's a verified addict when it comes to the news, and becomes extremely anxious or nervous when not in the know of what's going on around the world. She has discovered in herself a love of physically exploring new areas, and has taken a specific liking to hiking (when she can get out of the city limits.) Jasper is also extremely self conscious about her limbs, and so makes it a point of always covering up as much as possible. [b]History:[/b] Jasper was born with a severe case of Amelia, in which instead of limbs she was born with nubs where said limbs should be. Due to this she was forced to spent most of her life on a wheel chair, either in front of a screen or with an audio book. She did attempt to attend school for her elementary years, but it was however less than ideal thanks to the way other students reacted to her. For years she held out hope that she would have a quirk that would make up for her lack of mobility but as the years went on she became certain there would never be one. Then, one day, when her parents were out, a set of goldberg like incidents led to her house catching on fire, and in her panic, Jasper caused her wheelchair to tip over. It was thanks to the stress of the situation where she was able to activate her quirk. Initially, she only managed to manifest her phantom limb ability as a single leg, but that was enough to get her out of the burning building before she suffocated. Quirk Name:Phantom Limbs Quirk Description: Jasper lacks physical arms and legs. In their place she's able to summon constructs of mental energy, that she's capable of shaping and manipulating at will. These constructs are connected to her nerves so she can feel through them. Quirk Weaknesses: *Jasper's quirk requires constant focus, failing to do so will cause the quirk or one of her limbs in particular to deactivate and disappear. *The quirk is taxing, costing a constant mental strain on Jasper's mind. The strain is further heightened when Jasper attempts to transform the limb into something other than the basic shape of its primary limb. *Adding special properties to a limb (altered hardness, density, sharpness, etc, etc) is extremely taxing and currently Jasper is incapable of bestowing these onto any of her limbs for more than a few seconds before her limbs shut off. *Extreme emotions, despite being a source of mental energy, can and usually do work against the use of this quirk as it makes focusing on the phantom limbs difficult. *The limbs are a great deal more sensitive than regular human flesh and so a sudden shift in senior information can cause an overload which would force the quirk to be deactivated. *The limbs are not indestructible and are capable of taking regular damage just like normal flesh. However, the limbs can be quickly repaired, but again at the cost of a great deal of mental effort. So there's only so many times she can repair a construct before exhaustion, or the sensory overload of the damage, forces her to stop. *The quirk cannot originate from any area, besides one of the nubs where a limb should be. *Jasper's quirk is extremely difficult to use and maintain. Currently she's only able to lengthen, or decrease the size of the limbs, particularly her arms. Other: Jasper's quirk is one of the most difficult to copy as it can only be achieved through use of unconnected nerves ie those that should connect to something like a finger, leg, arm, etc, etc [/hider]