[center][img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.CBXe4S_PNQyNgSta5H8bIgHaJ3?pid=ImgDet&rs=1[/img] Kiara Marcia 400|Succubus-[url=https://t00.deviantart.net/tMwOkjaKFu04afLjKWyzdvNC0qI=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre00/6c10/th/pre/f/2016/347/4/a/4af13f19bf28ec899a6bf1befdc2b39d-darier9.jpg]Phoenix[/url] (Ice) Hybrid|The Hostess| Against The War "How ignorant that your petty greed and lust of power is worth killing the whole area over." Additionally -Kiara has done her best to stay out of the war. However, when the Angels started their threats, she had no choice but to start organizing the peace talks and open her home up for the ball. -Years ago Kiara got a brand on herself to protect her mind from being controlled. -Kiara has eight half siblings, four of which are phoenixes. Kiara is oldest of her siblings. -She can be seen as a bit of a prude to the Succubi, though this is due to the type of woman her mother was. Along with how long it took her just to figure out who her father was. -Has two white strikes in her hair. A after effect of both times she has been forced into her other form against her will. [/center]