[@PrinceAlexus][b]Pastor Jimmy[/b] hits twice. The first shot scarecly seems to make it through it's armour, while the second grazes the beast. It is hard to believe the creature is still standing. [color=gray][s]I'm dying this thing refuses to be killed[/s][/color] Pastor Jimmy receives [b]15 XP![/b] He has [b]3 movement[/b] remaining. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KzpvtkB.png[/img] 12 / 12 HP || 10 / 10 Sanity || 0 / 2 Determination || 36 / 500 XP || 0 Gold || Level 1 || [color=gold]2 Faith[/color] [i]Determination: This can be spent to reroll any dice at anytime, and can be spent to use abilities.[/i][/center][hider=Pastor Jimmy][hider=Skills][b]Redemptionist:[/b][indent] you may use [b]two handed guns.[/b] [/indent] [b]Scourge of the Dead:[/b][indent] +1 Damage to [b]undead[/b] enemies.[/indent] [center][b]Sermons[/b]:[/center] [b]Blessing - Faith Healing:[/b][indent]Starting Sermon. [i]Requires 5+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.[/i] For every Faith spent on the cost of [i]Faith Healing,[/i] you may heal [b]1 Wound[/b] from yourself or an adjacent hero. [b]Faith Cost:[/b] *see above [b]XP Gained:[/b] 10XP [i]Improves at level 5.[/i][/indent] [b]Blessing - Shield of Light:[/b][indent] [i] requires 9+ on two dice to successfully cast.[/i] Choose any Hero. Until the end of the turn, that hero gains Armor / Spirit Armor. Limit 1 shield per hero. [b]Faith Cost: 1[/b] [b]XP Gained:[/b] 20 XP [i]Improves at Level 5.[/i][/indent] [b]Judgement - Righteous Fury:[/b] [indent] [i]Requires 8+ on 2 dice to successfully cast.[/i] [b]Pastor Jimmy takes 1 corruption hit on successful cast.[/b] Choose any hero (including yourself.) Until the end of the turn, all of that hero's hits do +1 damage each. [b]Faith Cost:[/b] 1 [b]XP Gained:[/b] 25 XP [i]Improves at level 4 and 9.[/i][/indent] [/hider][hider=Stats][center][b]Combat:[/b] Initiative 2 • Melee Combat 2 [color=gray]To Hit Melee 4+[/color] • [color=gray]To Hit Ranged 5+[/color] Defense 5+ • Willpower 3+ [b]Challenges:[/b] Agility 1 • [color=gray]Cunning 2[/color] • Spirit 4 [color=gray]Strength 3[/color] • Lore 3 • [color=gray]Luck 2[/color] [color=limegreen]+ 1[/color][/center][/hider][hider=Inventory] [b]Sidebag:[/b] 1/5 Slots filled [indent]1x [b]Whiskey[/b] [/indent] [b]Lucky Charm:[/b][indent] Better Luck. Once per Adventure, ignore all damage from a single source.[/indent] [center][b]1/7 Carryweight used[/b][/center] [b]Shotgun:[/b] [indent] [i]2 Handed[/i] [b]Range:[/b] 5 [b]Uses the D8 To Hit and for Damage. Crits on a 6, 7 or 8.[/b] [i]Upgrade Slots: 0/1 used Weight: 1 Worth: $300[/i] [/indent][/hider][/hider] [@rocketrobie2] Father C has [b]4[/b] movement this turn. [color=gray]Spend a determination to reroll movement?[/color]