Henswn paused to watch you take in the Mattiz. "Quite impressive, isn't it?" Then he grinned. "My dad would kill me if I even thought of borrowing that one. We're taking the Cervi. Over there." He pointed to the back of the hangar. Way back tgere, in the shadow of the Mattiz stood a shuttle, maybe just big enough for three people to get comfortable on. The Cervi was still a relatively high-end shuttle. It had all the latest technology on tge inside, meaning you gave it your deatination and it practically flew itself. But it was much smaller, much less luxurious and much, much less expensive than the Mattiz. The small shuttle could fit in the Mattiz' cargo hold. Hensen walked towards the Cervi, openes the roofdoor above it for lift-off purposes and opened the door to the Cervi for you. He gave the shuttle his authorisation codes and let you at the helm. "I inserted the destination last night, including the parking lot I reserved for this. It's a two and a half hour flight, though I expect parking will take some time since the convention starts today so everybody will be arriving." He took the passenger's seat at the helm and left you to get acquainted enough to get this shuttle off the ground.