[quote=@Drakey] [@Enalais] Honestly, I'm alright if you want to do a reverse as well. Your abilities can heal, correct, then have a weaker version be able to take life force as well. As the story progresses, we can have you develop that. A really cool thing you could do is have the color of your hair change with whatever its doing. Green for giving life force, red for taking it. Let me know what you think! [/quote] I think you meant to mention me and not Enalais. The idea for Lucky was for her to be a back line support. She is supposed to augment her teammates eventually down the road with enough character progression. The examples of what I mean are: giving people super strength, super speed, super durability, or super regeneration (only one augment per person at a time). She isn't supposed to ever be in a 1v1, outside of this class that's taking place. Her self-healing healing powers make her virtually un-killable, but she can be put out of commission with enough damage (falling unconscious and being cocooned protectively by her powers). Even while unconscious, Lucky is not killable unless extreme measures are taken (I'm talking hurling her into a volcano and it would still take a minute or two for her to die). That is why her powers aren't offensive, otherwise she would be very broken. I could totally re-write her powers to do what you said if you think that would be more interesting, but to be honest... We have a lot of offensive people in the line up. I think having a background player might be better since there are already a lot of people who can just blast everything to smithereens with their powers.