[@Skrubsetsu] The darkness of night had a pressence inside of it. A creature of intruige, shadows and corpses. Kor hadn't the faintest idea of how to react to the pressence of most surrounding him. And as a result of that, he proceeded to take with him a stick and seperate himself a little from the rest of the party. [hider=Kors actions] A metal rod sticking from the ground that he took it with him. However, as he commenced to travel with the rod for mere seconds, a voice from behind the camps line of sight drew him closer. Staring into the darkness, he wondered who might be calling for him. "Nothing seems to bother you, walker. Is there anything I might help you with?" A shadow cast till before his feet, Kor jumped back. Looking from where the clean daylight-defying shadow came, a shadey figure appeared before him... "Is it power, raw knowledge you need?" "The subtlty of stealth? No... I was right the first time... " "Then let's call this a welcoming gift for our new guardian protege." The mysterious figure stretched forth his hand and handed a small scroll to Kor. Kor grabbed the scroll just before he noticed just how shadey the deal he was making was. He couldn't help but ask: "Wait, what do you know?" The figure disappeared. Left with a scroll and a guilty conscience, he took the scroll with him. [/hider] Kor made a cloak and carried his belongings on the inside of it. Afraid of opening it and exposing others to its content, the stick not included. [hr] The handfull of guards that tolerated the corruption would mutually agree at the nights rest: "I can sense we are nearby. One more outpost and it will be a fluent stream of power. The city of merchants is our destination, I taste it! [hr] Aproaching Mildor, Sargom would come to tell him that they were close. Signs of corruption were stronger nearby. The city of Merchants might hold the answers to what we seek. "Hey, I've made a 2 day plan for us to get our hands on the skull. Want to hear it?" [hider=Yes] "There is after all, only 1 place they'd realistically keep it. Their Massive Merchant Museum of Monsterous Marvels has the best security in the whole of the city. Though the blood in that city stains the politics greatly." Day one: This is the part where we'll order the others to go and shop for equipment. We, you, me and Aegnith, will scout out the museum by attending an official opening. Kor will get the caravan ready to go to war with Kod. Using the currencies we've received from Kob and his hunters, we might amass some supportive tools/people to take the skull or even to take on Kod. Day two: Your sister releaves the Museum of its skull and the rest of us stand watch. We make a temporary skull to replace the previous one with. Carefully keeping the guards distracted and the caravan ready to leave at all times. If anything goes awry, we simply fight our way in, out and take Kod head on. Though I doubt it would needed be so if we have the skull." There was a surprisingly crazed look in her eyes. Driven devotion beyond the reach of most ordinary folk. [/hider] Sargom sought to restore her lost honor. But she hadn't the faintest idea of how she might do that now. Even the way she spoke began to reflect how broken and slightly less stable she had become. [hr] [hr] Sargom had a few of his old allies come to him proposing they sought out any potential sewer systems and aquaducts inside the city. Though she was not entitled to say so, she ordered them to ignore such ridiculous ideas. Kor lead the party forward, experimenting with the powers of authority that he had discovered. It seemed dominant paralyses was the ability he had aquired. Without any further signs of devellopment, Kor held on to what he knew worked and practiced on it. [hider=description that might be a little "yuck"] Once every hour: Fear Once every high tide: Weakening of the joints Once a day: Vital Organ displacement These effects all are directed by the characters(Kor's) vision, unless that vision is somehow obstructed or the target is superior of mind. [/hider] 12 kittens were born that night in the pressence of the party. Kor went to bed in solitude, nibbling on the spicefull plants woven in between his teeth. Sargom went to bed, hugging in a warm friendship. The city of Merchants awaited tomorrow.