[center][img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/10/30/article-2480291-1912E7E300000578-867_964x546.jpg[/img] [b]Tales Of Roaming Wanderers[/b][/center] "Well it seems you remain mysterious as ever, Jack", said his uncle Frasier. "Your house is finally built, which took ages by the way..., and now you decide to go on a journey!?" Jack nodded: "the moment has come for me to spread my wings and see what the world really has to offer. This job as District Keeper was fun for the last 6 years, but I am done." Jack put his tiniest guitar in it's case and put it safely away in his leather backpack. It was already stocked with clothes, food, plectrums, snares, crystals, among other things [i](which will be kept in the dark for now ;-)[/i] ). "You can invite the new District Keeper to live in this house. If she won't... Ask anyone else who does not have a home, or make it a shelter for animals", Jack smiled as he watched his uncle's eyes become bigger with each word spoken. "But I will miss you, and I appreciate all you do for me." Frasier took a big deep breath, closing his eyes simultaneously. "You know Ashe [i](Jack's nickname)[/i], you do whatever you feel your heart tells you to do. That seems to always work best for you. Maybe I should try it too and join you in a little while when things have settled down here, wthout you......." A long silence fell. Jack put his blonde hair behind his ears. "I am all ready to go, uncle. My backpack is all I need. Of course my sword and healing abilities as well" he winked. Uncle Frasier had taught Jack all his swordfighting skills and healing abilities. "I'll see you Ashe, uhm.. I mean Jack, your *real* name is Jack after all..." "Never mind that uncle. I will use both names... I really like the name Ashe, even if I never told you that." They hugged fiercely, barely wanting to let eachother go. "I am going to Lindblum Festival first, I will leave a note in it's Inn so you know where I am heading next. Take care uncle!" Jack swiftly turned around and jumped on his uncle's horse. And then he just kept on riding South towards the city of Lindblum.