[center] [hr][hr] [h1][color=FireBrick] Samhain Intrigues [/color][/h1] [img]https://gargarstegosaurus.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/soe-ep-1h.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [h2][color=FireBrick]-Location: Under the Mountain/ Lower Quarter-[/color][/h2] Whatever hope the lamia had of getting out of this alive was slowly dwindling as she found herself with claws at her throat. No one really knew what Thymond White was. They hazard guesses and tried to dig out the information, but it was rarely successful. Raising too many questions and too few answers. Swallowing the panic Desdemona flickered her tongue with a terrified hiss. [color=Gold]"The Sheep is rather strong willed,"[/color] She noted slyly as the Goblin sat frozen in fear behind her. The old withered being was not about to give Thymond any reason to pay attention to him. Desdemona knew that if she could get the goblin out of this alive and intact- she might still have a shot. A chance at what she wanted. If she could convince the dangerous Fae before her that she was better off left alive. [color=Gold]"Sssurely you would not be overly cruel asss to deny a poor lamia- as beautiful asss myssself- a little pleasssure from watching a mere mortal sssuffer? Adding to my meager ssstoresss a few coinsss for better comfortsss."[/color] She crooned. Shifting her form so very slowly to better display what was her great beauty. One thing that was well known was Thymond's love of flesh, and Desdemona strove to move this to her favor. [h2][color=FireBrick]-Location: Under the Mountain/ The High Road-[/color][/h2] The great dark doors gleamed with a pale blue light as they creeked open to admit the kitsune Fae and the humans. Once the last mortal and Fae who wished to enter- or did not wish but did enter- passed across the threshold the doors creaked close with a ominous boom. A sound that echoed through the massive halls and drew looks from the darkest and most powerful of Fae Under the Mountain. The weak did not dwell within the Court of Nightmares for long. The floor was a shiny white that was at odds with the gleaming ceiling of dark stone and glittering gems and metals. The walls were decorated in various paintings and trophies from various hunts. Skins, heads, horns, claws and fangs. But the runners of dark deep blue that covered the marble, offering a weak warmth from the chill of the stone, led the eye up to a second door. This one just as large, and up a grand staircase. A woman on one side was holding the handle and thus hand of the man on the other. She was fair to look upon. With an angular cat-like face her eyes were pure emeralds that looked at one with the door. The man on her opposite was as wilde as she was not. Storm winds whipped his great cloak about him shrouding his body in mystery along with his face. Though the moon at his back echoed the rose at hers. Yin, however, might find some comfort in the scene. A man- reedy and thin- not a hint of his martial training about him stood off to one side. Looking rather annoyed at the kitsune. "You are late, [i]aid[/i]." Kiron Morrigant intoned in his brass battlefield voice. For as reedy and weak this man looked he was the leader of the Stygian Company. The guard force and army of Under the Mountain. The elites. With coal black eyes the man looked over the flock of humans. Mortals were food- prey to the fae. That they now relied so heavily on them was a bone stuck in his craw. "This is it? I would think His Majesty could secure proper help than a rabble of halfwits." A flick of a scarred hand motioned a servant forward- a shadowy fae. "See them to the Mortal Hall. Freshen them up before his [i]Lordship[/i] arrives." He sneered, "If you can do even that." The double comment was aimed at both Mortals and Yin alike as the Steward glanced back at Yin sourly. The dark fae, led the humans down a twisting stair into cavernous tunnels. While it was warm, and pleasantly so, there were also thick doors of wood. Hinges of copper or bronze. Iron and steel seemed to be a foriegn concept so far as any mortal who noticed would see. "Your rooms." The dark fae shrouded in the black robe and cowl intoned in a dead voice. "Four per room. There's is bathing behind this door and each room will have the necessities for mortal life." Then they were gone. Flickering lights of candles- actual normal candles- showered the tunnel that twisted lower in the bowels of the Mountain in limited light. IF they were to look into the bathing chamber as the fae put it, they would see a room filled with a large pool. Water draining from one side into the room next door. Polished rocks formed the lining and flagstones tiled the limited space that was not underwater. In the rooms themselves there were single beds, a bunk above each to either side of the door. A small door in the back opened into a small restroom. But if they looked upward. The tunnel opened into a large lounge. Boasting a pool table, along with several normal tables. Shelves filled with battered volumes. Several other mortals were mending clothes and chatting albeit nervously and cautiously. There was even a piano in one corner- a leg stabilized with books. Again the polished rock was the only siding but it was a far cry from the wilderness. [h2][color=FireBrick]-Location: Falk's Hall-[/color][/h2] Silvery mist swirled about the entrance as the air's current was disturbed. The tall and still-shirtless form of the Fall King appeared once more in the cavern's mouth. His stormy grey eyes lit with a mixture of disapproval and amusement when he notice Bodil's emotional state. With a flip of his hand, a set of lightly woven fabric was floated over to her on dark tendrils of psychic power. It was a basic woven tunic of a deep grey. The hems embroidered with black and silver dragons in flight. The work was the height of a craftsman's life. A light silver belt seemingly made of the actual metal. Woven from strands so find and limber they felt like hard leather. Black leggings- much like his own- were the other main article. Smaller bits of cloth needed for a female were there as well. Though outdated to Bodil's time. The Lord of the Hunt gave her a slight chuckle as he turned away once more. [color=Gold]"I do not plan on eating you- not that there is much to go around."[/color] His footsteps silent as they were when he appeared, though his voice floated back. [color=Gold]"Neither are you much to look at- on the other hand."[/color] [/center]