[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/56/b8/f3/56b8f3fe83b7e9cecccadcc8e5923765.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Ryanna][indent][color=lightpink][b]Aliases:[/b][/color] Ryanna Taylor, Ryanna Maddox [color=lightpink][b]Nickname:[/b][/color] Ryan [color=lightpink][b]Age:[/b][/color] Late 20s[/indent] [color=lightpink][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/color] [indent]Ryan is short and wide eyed, giving her a deceptively young and innocent appearance. They are difficult to see, but she has pale freckles across her nose and cheeks--they're more obvious in the bright sun. She has full blond hair that fall into curls to her shoulders, which are fair and do not tan in the sun. Her figure is slim and small, and she is prone to twitching and short, quick movements. She likes to wear skirts and dresses with her armor, giving her a girly style. Height: 5'3" / 160cm Weight: 115 lbs[/indent] [color=lightpink][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/color] [indent]Contrasted to her innocent appearance, Ryan is introverted in nature and grouchy. She can put on a friendly face easily enough and she is difficult to read at times, but she is easily bristled by the slightest inconveniences. If no consequences will come of it, she will express her frustration and come off as rather rude in doing so. When she wants something, she is unapologetically sweet as she can be. People who know her will see right through the strange kindness, but strangers are generally none-the-wiser. Despite herself, she is easily flustered or embarrassed, and has trouble laughing at herself. She has no problem laughing at others, however, and may come off as rather mean because of it. Beyond her...charismatic personality, she is observant and curious. She isn't very loyal to individuals, but she is dedicated to her cause and works well with others when goals align. Ryan is determined to improve herself everyday, fearful of being a group's weak link. This makes her rather scornful to laziness and envious of natural talent.[/indent] [color=lightpink][b]SKILLS[/b][/color] [indent]• Clothes making & magic: the two go hand in hand as she's developed a magic to bring out a person's strongest qualities through the clothes she wears. For example, she has gloves threaded with enchanted cotton that makes her physically stronger. • Basic sword & knife play: she struggled keeping up with others when she was part of an army, but she learned the basics and beyond even if she isn't an impressive foe. • Charismatic and manipulative: she won't hesitate to play a part with someone if it means getting what she wants from them. • Works well in a group: Ryan takes comfort in working with others and having people to depend on. She finds it easier than working by herself.[/indent] [color=lightpink][b]HISTORY[/b][/color] [indent]Ryan has been through a number of occupations and alliances. She first joined Alandryna's army against Rothen's growing control. However, she wasn't as strong or fit as most of the soldiers. So she turned to magic and subterfuge. As a result, she was recruited as a spy and infiltrated Rothen's highest nobility and royalty as a tailor. Through her training for this, she discovered she was an excellent tailor and seamstress, and she almost enjoyed her time in the castle. She grew closest to the crown prince of Rothen, who was rather young and arrogant when it came to women. Information from him and sent back to Alandryna saved hundreds of lives and turned the war in their favor for a short while. However, the crown prince left the castle to establish himself in the kingdom, so she was suddenly without her best informant. Struggling for information, she grew less careful and the war was slowly turning back into Rothen's favor. The King's attention was settling on her. So she fled the castle and country to scrape by among thieves and lowlifes.[/indent][/hider]