[center][color=SteelBlue][h2]James Varrock[/h2] Level: 4 Day/Time: Day Two Location: Platform City-Smash Arena Interacting: Egg-Stealer now Body-Snatcher[@Holy Soldier] Mention: Slayer[@Lugubrious], Naija[@DracoLunaris], Cloud[@Holy Soldier], Fox McCloud[@Etherean Fire] Word Count: 314[/color][/center] As the Egg-Stealer had begun to transform and force the knife away from itself, it's fingers becoming nothing more than vines determined to squeeze the life from him, though his armor prevented it, the Guardian could already hear Zavala in his head as if the Titan was there, watching the fight happen. [b]"Why did you run ahead without a plan or, more importantly, your fireteam? No plan ever survives contact with the enemy, but no Guardian can survive forever without his fireteam."[/b] James, as he felt the Body-Snatcher began to stand, wondered just how many times over the years he'd proven the old Titan right. As he moved to begin cutting the snatcher's fingers, although how effective that would be at this point was up in the air, Charger's voice came through. [color=LightCoral]"You have your smoke bomb! Use it!"[/color] The news put the now reinvigorated Nightstalker in a good mood, and as he reached his bag, which had begun standing up and opening it's mouth, the knife vanished from James's hand with Charger's help and a Voidwall grenade appeared in it's place as a smoke bomb appeared in his other hand. [color=SteelBlue]"Hope your bag doesn't mind a bit of indigestion, buddy."[/color] A confused look crossed the monster's face as he dropped the grenade into the sack's open mouth, which detonated a second later, void flames beginning to consume it from the inside out. At the same time, James tossed the smoke bomb at the snatcher's forehead, where it stuck for a moment before beeping and exploding in a black cloud laced with purple. When that happened, James would hopefully be released and dropped to the ground, where he would draw his Imago Loop as he rolled away from the ugly bastard towards a nearby piece of cover while the other heroes dealt with the Green Army Men, the remaining minions and the infected civilian.