Denach fired off one last burst of rounds before the tide of heretics smashed against their fortifications. The battle wasn't going well for sure, the Guard were collapsing, and it was up to the one squad of marines to hold the line against the tide of heretical scum. Denach felt just the slightest tinge of fear as a web of lasgun fire shot from the charging heretics into his armor and that of his battle-brothers. Denach did not fear the one heretic who charged at him, swinging a makeshift flail as he screamed out praise to the ruinous powers. His gods did little to help when Denach smashed his face with a single blow of his bolter, pulping the heretic's skull beneath his boot as he fired another bolter burst directly into the chest of another worshiper of chaos. He dropped his bolter into the sea of corpses beneath as he smiled beneath his helm. This was honorable combat, not hiding in the trenches and firing at whatever looked slightly like an enemy, man to man, blade to blade, as it was on his home planet. Denach drew his knife and struck for the heart of the nearest heretic. Pulling the blade loose, he slashed once more against the tide of bodies, slashing the throat of another heretic and snapping the neck of a third with a crushing blow. Denach let out a roar as he drove his blade through the throat of yet another opponent, ripping the man's head off with his left hand and tossing the head away like garbage. The Executioners always took the heads of worthy opponents as trophies, this opponent was far from worthy, so his head would be used to feed the dirt. As more lasgun fire collided with his bloodstained armor, Denach continued his rampage, ripping the chain-sword from the hands of a heretical champion and driving it deep into the man's chest, snapping it in twain as he tore the handle loose from the dead man's flesh. He would hold, though his battle brother probably could not, considering he had been wounded, as Denach noticed out of the corner of his eye. Denach attempted to fight through the crowd in order to get to the man, one guardsman was expendable, an Imperial Fist was priceless.